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Our Big Trip of the U.S. of A.!!

Old 04-29-2010, 09:41 AM
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Sorry to be so slow getting back here. What with 'schedules' and poor internet connections (Read: My Son is hogging his cell phone tether!!)

Sorry about the photos. He tried to shrink them down but they were still really large format even though they were only about 100k each.

Give this a try:
I'll try to get back on here and update you all.
Old 04-29-2010, 11:09 AM
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Have fun Dan - travel safe too.
Old 04-29-2010, 11:36 AM
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man thats awesome bud
Old 04-29-2010, 07:20 PM
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Dan, I PMed you my Cell... If you make it to VA you HAVE to check out yorktown and williamsburg.... PLENTY of history around here. If you make it call me and we will go out for a beer and some grub!

Be safe!
Old 04-29-2010, 10:50 PM
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We don't mean to leave anyone out!! Actually, I need to update our map of where we have gone. But with time constraints (And the 9 MPG hasn't helped any at all!!), we have been going in a straighter line to most of our destinations!!

We made it to D.C. and saw a lot!!! We are now in Philly and got to see a lot of sites there today! From here we will go up to NYC and see the Statue of Liberty and downtown. From there we will head up to CT and probably spend a lot of time around Norwich. From there I don't know if we will be going to Niagara Falls. We might go by Indianapolis. We know we are going to Lansing, MI. From there I am not sure yet. We might go north but we are pretty sure we are going by Mt. Rushmore and then on to Southern ID. home.

If you are by our proposed route, shoot me a PM and let me know a number and what town you are near. We might be able to meet up. I text and that is usually the best way to catch me (although I do know how to make the phone part of the phone work sometimes. . . )
Old 04-29-2010, 11:19 PM
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If your goin to Indy from there your passin by my AO then. Stop in, got all the Lincoln sites to take in. New Salem State park with all the old cabins, it's an operational town from the Lincoln era. All the Lincoln homes, old state capital and the new Abraham Lincoln Presidential Museum. Livin in this town for so long most of it is boring to me but we get tourist from all over the world so there must be somethin to it. The Presidential Museum is cool though. They did a great job on it and if you take the time to really look around you will walk out with a whole different sense of what the Civil War and Lincoln were all about. None of it were as we were taught in history books and this museum is the first place to present things in the true sense and not the politically correct way.
Old 04-30-2010, 09:20 AM
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Isn't that the truth!! So far, we have seen a lot and I already have a different sense of what went on back then. I have always had a 'non-mainstream' thought about most things. Seeing all the sites we have so far has just re-enforced that understanding. Why do they think they can get away with twisting history like that? (Of course if you look at most of the things going on currently you have to wonder if it isn't working well for 'them' . . . )

We are having a blast! Hopefully you all will have time to go to the photo link and have a look around. What a lot of cool things to see! We have more pics, we just haven't had time to upload them yet. We will keep working at it so eventually they will be up there.

Thanks for all the well wishes! Sorry if we already 'blazed' by your place along the way. I really would like to meet as many of you all as possible. Besides isn't this supposed to be about having as much fun as possible!!! See you all out there somewhere!
Old 05-01-2010, 09:07 PM
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Well, NYC is still there. I'm not sure what my comment is on that topic. . . . About all I can say publicly is that we were really looking forward to the best pizza we have ever eaten. Too bad we blew that. It would have been great. But that is how schedules go. Too fast and too furious.

I can add that there are too many people there! I had to laugh watching them lay on the grass in Central Park 'quickly' before the time came when they closed it off to everyone. They were just trying to enjoy some sunshine and peace in the middle of that mad house!! Can't blame them at all. Their streets are way too narrow and rough too!! Yuck!! Now I need a bunch of front end parts for my poor truck. Hope it can make it back across the country home for me to do that work . . . . . . Hehehehe!! The drivers are syco too! I had one side swipe the trailer because I was getting over into his lane. We were at a stop at that point. I think he did it on purpose as he backed up. I don't think it did much and I haven't even looked yet. If he is lucky he got a bigger scratch than I did out of it. Welcome to N.Y.C.!!!! Can't say I will miss it! The vote is split though. I and several of my party are glad to be out of there, and a couple say it was good. They might even go back they say now.......

We are here in CT. Might make it over to R.I. Haven't decided on Boston yet. I want to see Niagara, but we will have to see on that one. Then we will head west along a northerly route.

Have you checked out the pics yet? We have some internet here so maybe there will be some more appear. . . .
Old 05-02-2010, 12:45 AM
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Im about 2hr feom NYC. I dont go there cant stand it..Well i cant even stand New York. I cant wait till I can do a trip like this. Good Luck
Old 05-03-2010, 09:51 AM
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I know what you mean. It was good to go downtown and see what it was like first hand. Times Square was busy enough with just 'normal' everyday traffic that I can't imagine what it would be like on New Years!
I finally looked and that moron left his mark on my trailer. What was aggravating was we were sitting still, He had to back up just a foot so I could get through. I say him steer right into the side of the trailer. I think he did it on purpose, but after watching some of them drive, maybe he just didn't know which way to steer to back up AWAY from the side of the trailer. Who knows. . . . I should have taken a video: Isn't it a Federal violation to deface a V.I.N.? That would have been fun for him! Course I'm pretty sure he will be more impressed with the dent and scratch he got out of the deal. Good thing I didn't look then. I think I would have been mad enough to back up into him, just to make sure he knew I was there (The back of this toy hauler is heavy enough all it would have done is scratched my paint )

We are very glad that moron didn't know how to set off a car bomb and also that he didn't do it when we were there. I bet that place is still crazy from that little trick. Some people. Course I always think it would be nice to catch them in the act; to be able to 'talk them out of it'!! You know. . . . .

We really enjoyed being able to go out to the Statue and to see Ellis Island for the first time (It wasn't open when we lived here years ago). That was a real eye opener to see what all those emigrants went through to 'get into the new country'. If any of you get the chance, make sure you go out there. Since this is a 'post 9/11 era' make sure you petition congress or your senator at least 6 months before you arrive so maybe you can get tickets to be able to go up in the Statue. We didn't even think about it since we had been there before, so none of us got to go up inside. Oh, and if you think airport security is bad; guess again. I have never had so much trouble getting through a check point in my life! All I had left were the rivets and zipper in my pants and I forgot at the time about my wedding band. I offered to them off to prove I didn't have any metal left but they finally let me through. Of course this is after I am scared for life now after all those people behind me chuckled so much. So just a warning to you all: Don't take any metal at all out there. In fact, I now know where they can learn how to do 'thorough' airport screening to keep anyone from taking ANYTHING onto an airplane. (I'm pretty serious here: I usually don't take out my wallet, cell phone and I have never had to get rid of my single key and belt with a very small buckle! Honestly all I had left were my jeans and my wedding band.)

I tell you what though. This is an honest to goodness FUN and very learning trip!! What a blast! We are moving today so maybe we can get some better internet and upload some pics. We have a lot more to share! . . . .

(Sorry about missing seeing some of you so far. I sure hope I haven't given out the wrong number to any of you!! Either way, I apologize as I intend to meet up with as many of you as possible. After all, isn't what its really all about is meeting each other and having some fun together!! At least that is how I planned it!)


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