Diesel Bombers

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-   -   Can you smoke switch a 6.7??? (https://www.dieselbombers.com/6-7l-performance/31830-can-you-smoke-switch-6-7-a.html)

jxdeej 03-06-2010 08:02 PM

I gotta agree with cashwheel on this issue. I roll around with windows down and no a/c and we have too many idiots blowing billows of black smoke at every intersection. I don't care how much smoke you blow in your pasture or at the track, but it is rediculous to smoke out people at stop lights because you have a complex.

6.7 MoJo 03-06-2010 11:00 PM

$5 or $300...hmm i think thats an easy anwser?

---AutoMerged DoublePost---

Originally Posted by jxdeej (Post 510903)
I gotta agree with cashwheel on this issue. I roll around with windows down and no a/c and we have too many idiots blowing billows of black smoke at every intersection. I don't care how much smoke you blow in your pasture or at the track, but it is rediculous to smoke out people at stop lights because you have a complex.

I love how people interject :edit: like complexs and smuthering inocent women and childern at stop lights...haha the world is full of :edit: that I cant control...but dont be one to me on my thread. I had a question I found an anwser and I shared it. :rocking:

zach_west 03-07-2010 02:51 AM

my friend put the smoke switch on his 6.7 worked great.

BLACK RHINO 03-08-2010 07:21 AM

6.7 Mojo. This has been A entertaining one. And you do bring up some very reasonable points in your defense. But you also contradict yourself as to your intentions. I Quote" And I would think a simple smoke switch is SAFER and more RESPONSIBLE for playing around then it is to jack these programmers to 150-200hp settings and dropping the hammer in hopes of smoke..call that childish, but I would rather fool a sensor at 15-20mph and make a puff then be a retard pulling away at a light at Mach 1 starring out the rear-view looking for that puff."

Read more: https://www.dieselbombers.com/6-7l-b...#ixzz0haXtr9yV
This is how you represent your intentions in your defense. Reasonable enough, But I quote

"Like any diesel guy I want some smoke to piss off the power jokes when then come asking for trouble,"

Read more: https://www.dieselbombers.com/6-7l-b...#ixzz0haaMTEbY
That is how you represented your original intentions.
So you are the guy that wants to put the "Ricers", "Gassers", Or what have you in their place, but you use A harmless intentions defense? Regardless. I really don't care either way. But if you are blowin smoke to look at it then, 10MPH, Or 40MPH your still looking the wrong way. And no this market is not the cause of Bluetec and all other included systems. It is A much much larger picture. And it is easier to get A entire country of people swayed by the few zealots. Then it is to sway the corporations that sign the checks for the people of the country...... This is why commercial restrictions are always far behind the public restrictions. And last thing. The amount of potential exhaust put out by A sled puller in 300ft is far less then A daily driver going to work. And is less likely to piss off the people that will vote for further noise and exhaust restrictions. So do choose your time and place... And smoke the shizznit out of it.... But choose those times and place's wisely.. :c:


P.S. Yeah I love the smoke... But I do love that my 09 is A sleeper.... Ain't nothing funnier now then passin the smokin loud guy's On the hills when I have two quads on the deck.

6.7 MoJo 03-09-2010 03:32 PM

Look, man I am not any Politican or Lawyer...I have replies for different attacks! And I only enjoy the rebutal becuase how the internet gives people the ability to talk shit behind a screen and "label" people they dont even know...so its super easy to pick my replies apart and find contradictions depending on the topic your appyling those statments to....AKA I can go ALLLLLLL day long with this....

The first attack was blaming smokers for DPF's and why people hate Diesel trucks ect..ect..ect by some guy who was trying to tell me I wasn't worthy of smoke cause I dont have a 900HP race truck basicaly. So with all do respect, he was labeling me as a 18 yr old punk who was hurting his sport, and I respect that, and I tried to explain from a safety point of view which you used and explained Im a NHRA and AMA member.

Then the second attack was how I should feel cool making power with out smoke and being the cool sleeper guy, and I dig that, but my reply was to show, example through themselves. I was being attacked for wanting to puff on a few power chokes, as you quoted, and how clean power is the way, so I made the rebutal...if its so cool not to smoke, why dont sled pullers set the example. Duh cause its imposible

The next attack was being a person with a complex...yeah cause he knows who I am, but my reply that you quoted was I am not into smoking the town and innocent. Its for fun at the right time...which we then debated, when is it right.

So you know what....you can pick anything and make me look like a babling baffoon, and thats cool, there is two sides. Smokers or not, then the twisted few who want to be in the middle. What ever thought, I dont attack them for thier views, I just explain mine, I dont label them as an "immature rice punk", or "you have a complex"

Whats immature??? Picking on me cause I am actualy a person on here who had a question, figured it out and found the anwser, and shared it with others? You know, just cause someone buys a XRT or Smarty doesn't make them a diesel guy, or a wrench head/gear head! Arm Chair quaterbacks! Posers

So its cool....I blow smoke when ever I feel like it! If I could drive around and flip a switch and black out the sun I would, If I could turn a Prius into soot black and make them almost sufficate I would! But Im not retarded!! I actualy have something called respect..which no one on here seems to think..I have 12 years active duty USCG and still at it, Im 30 years old and yes a kid a heart, but I represent myself and my service everyday, so give the proding a rest please!
I don't give other people shit for not wanting to do the same..Im not Facist, Im Patrotic! No stupid sticker, or rule is going to keep me from doing what I want when there are issues WAY greater than a little black smoke in this world....:c:

Im down with you Rhino! I just like rolling out, and the funny part is..if any body has done the smoke switch...its a damn puff! Thats it...by time the turbo spools its gone. I see street sweepers roll more coal then then this damn switch that only works for 2 seconds in first or maybe second....hahahah thats the funny part. I should re-label it as the smoke twitch or smoke glitch..cause it sure as hell aint flip the switch and smoke death clouds till you turn it off! Thats whst keeps me laughing inside!!!

BLACK RHINO 03-09-2010 08:04 PM

6.7 Mojo.. No worries brother. There are definitely bigger issues that should be of greater focus. But your country and mine pay lip service to freedom. And it seems more and more having freedom means having small special interest groups tell the people what they can and cannot do.. So let's all collectively get up on our tippy toes and carry on:nope:........ And :c: To ya for your service...


6.7 MoJo 03-11-2010 07:34 PM

Thank ya sir!! :c:

tjoneal2 04-11-2010 02:06 PM

need some info

Originally Posted by ETXBlueRam (Post 386639)
Yes, you can do a smoke switch. I sent you a PM with some info.

can i please send me some info on this to make a switch thanks tj

coors_man_2005 04-24-2010 08:08 PM

im wanting to try the smoke switch already got resistor but i got fleece boost controller should a still try it or is it a waste and thats as much smoke as im going to get??

coors_man_2005 04-25-2010 10:03 PM

well i guess the smoke switch dont work with the fleece is was all backwards and a slugish turd the it was idleing 13 psi boost drive down the road felt like it was going to come to a hault and dropped to like 3 psi of boost :dang: that sucked hoping for all kinds of smoke

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