12 Valve 2nd Gen Dodge Cummins 94-98 Discussion of 12 Valve 5.9 Liter Dodge Cummins Diesels with P7100 Injection Pumps

Help fuel pump,now truck won't start

Old 08-28-2016, 01:26 AM
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Default Help fuel pump,now truck won't start

need to know if when I replace a holley blue with another on my 1997 12 valve if I have to bleed the sysytem?As Im having some major ptoblems&so far this is what It went like I noticed a fuel leak a few days ago coming out of the holley blue.Then it started getting hard to crank unless I pushed the go pedal it would crank for a long period before it fired but if I pushed it,it would fire right away.Today I replaced the holley blue fuel pump the orginal owner had on there with a new one.It cranked slow&a mix of white then black smoke came out as I hit the go pedal* turned off & on a few times while looking for leaks&it kept getting harder to crank.Still white then black smoke & a popping sound almost like a backfire.Finally it would not crank over @ all.But when I got under the truck & had someone try to start it you could hear a pop then a bit of smoke come out of the starter where it looks like there's a screw.I looked @ the fss does not look burnt.When the key is turned it stays up.But don't crank.After sitting for awhile it cranked for a Milla second.*If I need a starter so be it...there goes something else I was planning to buy but gotta get home&gotta get kids to school. But I can't figure why I had white smoke out of exhaust.While running the old leaking pump wasn't doing this.I don't know much about these holly blues just that that's what was on there so I was gonna run it till I'm done fixing my 24 valve.Then I'd try to go back to stock.Maybe the spring needs stretched for more flow?The starter would just pop&make a small amount of smoke.So I took the starter out of my 24 valve&Im gonna put it on in the morning.I noticed the primer is still on the truck is it possible that the white smoke&popping was air in the system or did I just not let it run long enough? I'm still fairly new to diesels&still learning . I've been looking everywhere for help.If you can forgive my poor punctuation &help me out with the truck issue I would sure appreciate it.Thanks

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