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06 DIESEL 12-15-2008 08:36 PM

Letter to EPA from ATS
I figured that I would pass this on. I have no concrete proof as of yet, and hope that it is not true. I am trying to let as many know as possible, so I would like to keep this in an open forum, another thread can be started in the badlands if needed.

Anne Wick
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (Mail Code 2242A)
Diesel Engine Consent Decree Coordinator
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20460-0001

Dear Anne:

I would like to start by thanking you for speaking with Stewart Cables and myself at SEMA. You and your team did a very good job of preventing the meeting attendees from rioting!

As you may or may not be aware, ATS Diesel has been working on certain emission technologies to better our niche in the diesel community. Currently, we’re funding and developing a very expensive Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) technology; this product will allow more efficient flow, resulting in better fuel mileage and lower emissions than today’s technology. ATS’ profits are funding the majority of this project’s development budget.

A serious concern that we have — and dramatically affects the development of our new high flow DPF -- is the presence of so-called “DPF Delete Kits” on the market. Right now consumers are looking for a solution to the problematic factory DPF exhaust systems, and a few companies out there are manufacturing and/or selling these DPF delete kits for a very low margin.

As you’re aware, the main problem with DPF delete kits is this: for every illegal kit sold, research money is not invested into a real “fix” for the consumer’s problem. EPA has made it clear to the diesel manufacturing industry, in no uncertain terms, that DPF removal is illegal. However, at this time, EPA has been unable to enforce its regulations to get these illegal DPF delete kits off the street. When we spoke a few weeks ago, you mentioned that the EPA can only enforce so many of its regulations right now, and it’s becoming increasingly difficult to track offenders (whether they be manufacturers, resellers, or end users).

ATS has prepared a list of the larger DPF Delete kit manufacturers and resellers, gleaned from our knowledge of the industry, for you. We’ve also included support documentation for your convenience. A few of these act as resellers (in place of manufacturers) in an attempt to hide behind a “shell corporation.” Performance Diesel, Inc. (“PDI”) in St. George, Utah is one of these companies. Jared Wittwer, the owner of PDI, is also the creator of H&S Performance, (www.hsperformance.net). All of these kits are assembled at PDI in Utah and sold through PDI as though H&S Performance manufactures them. Attached is a copy of one of the receipts PDI invoices on; the part number should easily be used to help track down additional units that PDI or H&S have sold over the last year. We have been told by PDI’s manager that they sell over 100 units per month.

ATS is relying on the EPA to enforce its rules on this matter so we can generate enough revenue to properly manufacture a “fix” to the DPF problem. The word in our industry is that 1) if you don’t manufacture, you are allowed to resell, install, and use, and 2) manufacturers or resellers can hide behind the “Race Only’ labeling that the products are sold under. The fact is, and as I’m sure you know, nearly all of these kits are being used for on road trucks. Thank you for taking the time to listen.

Clint Cannon and Stewart Cables
for ATS Diesel Performance

Letter to EPA from ATS - Competition Diesel.Com - Bringing The BEST Together

IC Smoke 12-15-2008 08:59 PM

yet another reason not to buy ATS! thats a kick in the nuts to the sport!:ouch:

Camotanker 12-15-2008 09:00 PM

yeah... pretty gay of them if it's true.

Patches 12-15-2008 09:03 PM

Thats really messed up. gess we know whose :edit: the EPA is sucking:moon:

scottsjeeprolet 12-15-2008 09:12 PM

I'd say the best way to get back at ATS is to boycott them!!!!!!:bat:

DB Admin 12-15-2008 09:15 PM

Wheres the Proof in this ?

wildbill 12-15-2008 09:15 PM

Buy one of their "kits" and the EPA comes knocking on your door with a nasty fine.

busta 12-15-2008 09:29 PM

well IF this turns out to be truth i know who my transmission,turbos and other bombs will not be coming from:humm::ph::madd::bat:

CSIPSD 12-15-2008 10:05 PM

This letter is true. It was sent to me by someone I trust in the busness...

Clint... Please ask your wife for your balls back and stop being a vag...:argh:

cummins24 12-15-2008 10:41 PM

X2 on the boycott

DB Admin 12-15-2008 10:43 PM

Lets get proof before anyone does anything rational

stkdram55 12-15-2008 10:49 PM


BFD99 12-16-2008 01:55 AM

lets all kick clint in the balls!

I6_or_die 12-16-2008 06:27 AM

:argh: :bat: :c: :U:


DIESELDENT 12-16-2008 06:31 AM

snitches! :ph:

DB Admin 12-16-2008 07:07 AM

We still have no confirmation from ATS on this

stkdram55 12-16-2008 07:12 AM


RamNu2 12-16-2008 07:50 AM

Just how exactly did you get acopy of that letter. If its true its a bad thing for them. I don't plan to buy from ATS anytime soon anyway but will probally not by anything from them in the future either.

Cummins Express 12-16-2008 08:19 AM

Originally Posted by DieselMinded (Post 253457)
Lets get proof before anyone does anything rational.

That's right DM, until we get proof and make a rational decision, let's be completely, insanely irrational and go hunt the sons-a-vitches down and and see how one of their "units" works in their own "exhaust system"

I'm kidding DM, I, and we, all know what you meant, but who could resist!?


ETXBlueRam 12-16-2008 08:53 AM

Looks to me like either somebody has a hardon for ATS and has decided to implement a hoax such as that letter, or ATS sees a need to resort to some chicken$hit tactics to make themselves look good and cause trouble for others in the industry.
I sure hope that letter is somebody's idea of a cruel joke. If not, I know where my money WON'T be spent on my current truck, as well as a future project truck.

TheNatural31 12-16-2008 09:21 AM

Originally Posted by ETXBlueRam (Post 253661)
Looks to me like either somebody has a hardon for ATS and has decided to implement a hoax such as that letter, or ATS sees a need to resort to some chicken$hit tactics to make themselves look good and cause trouble for others in the industry.
I sure hope that letter is somebody's idea of a cruel joke. If not, I know where my money WON'T be spent on my current truck, as well as a future project truck.

I agree....just waiting on confirmation of this letter! But, either way...I would never put that ATS junk in my truck anyhow! If this is a true letter....This company is very, very pathetic!

gunman41mag 12-16-2008 10:18 AM

Well at least I know who the BACK-STABBERS are (Clint Cannon and Stewart Cables

7.3 Cowboy 12-16-2008 12:24 PM

:booo::argh::bat::madd: I won't buy anyting from them now.

biged681985 12-16-2008 12:31 PM

:humm: how do we know it wasnt one of there compitition trying to screw them over by sending the letter. not saying this is the case but what if. that would completly take them out from all people liking ats. so smart thing to do if ya wanted to take ats out and make them look like a**holes. just figured id throw another scenario out there

Diesel Dawgs Performance 12-16-2008 12:33 PM


puddlestomper 12-16-2008 12:48 PM

I would have to see confirmation from them, this is something easy to fabricate. I have had some bad experience with them, but if this is a hoax, that is completely uncalled for. This could ruin a business, no matter how much we don't like them, some one does. I sure hope this isn't true.

Albin 12-16-2008 12:51 PM

Tagged to see confirmation. This letter is on ALL the diesel boards and then some. Surely they've seen it by now. The longer it goes on without answering it, the worse it looks for them.


choctaw 12-16-2008 02:04 PM

Here is Bryan/Clint's response.

Hello Everyone. This is Bryan @ ATS Diesel and Clint has prepared a statement and has asked me to post EXACTLY this on his behalf:

After reading the forums for the last several years, and being in the business for more than fifteen, I thought I had seen it all. However, the level of hate in this last series of forum posts is unbelievable.

At SEMA this year, my attorney Stewart Cables and I attended numerous seminars regarding the new CARB and EPA regulations for our industry. At SEMA, ATS (among others) spoke with the EPA about potential ways to relax the stringent guidelines the EPA enforces on the diesel community, and how we could lessen its impact through legislation. In the meantime, Stewart drafted a letter (the one you see on the forums) and sent it to me on my email. When he sent me the draft, I was totally surprised. I told him he was absolutely not allowed to send it to the EPA or anyone else for that matter. I did not think he would identify specific people or companies, and ATS has never been the type of company to participate in negative tactics like this. He agreed. The letter posted on the forums right now is the only draft in existence.

When I told him no, as his client, that was the end of that. But now, thanks to whoever posted this information, this information is completely public and everyone in the whole diesel community knows about it. Now, the EPA knows information I would never, ever allow to be posted on the internet. Thanks to this letter, to that secret person, the EPA has a very good idea of EVERYONE who has purchased a DPF delete kit, and they can see how many of these delete kits are out there on the road.

Before this hit the forums, Jared sent me a text saying “Thanks for the letter to the EPA.” I had no idea what he was talking about since Stewart’s letter was never released. At first, I thought he was joking. I asked, pleaded with him to forward me the email or send me the source so I could figure out what he was talking about. He refused. Why? Why would he refuse to let me know where he got the email, if I truly sent the letter? I know that a lot of you will call Jared to see if this is true, which is great. It seems that everyone knew about this letter before myself and ATS.

On this letter, that supposedly went to the EPA, where is my signature? Where is Stewart’s signature? Where is the ATS letterhead we use for every letter that goes out the door? Where is the envelope? How could someone say ATS sent a letter to the EPA without intercepting it in the mail?

The only two people in the world to have ever seen this letter, before December, were myself and my attorney. Yet here it is, all over the internet for everyone to see and rip on ATS as rats and liars. That’s bs. ATS is aggressively pursuing the individuals involved with illegally accessing my private and confidential emails. My name has been drug through the mud and I will not tolerate the public posting of my private attorney emails. ATS will find out who accessed its private files and we will pursue every legal option available when we do.

I have received evidence that an unauthorized source has accessed my personal e-mail. This is unfortunately not the first time that strictly confidential internal information from my e-mail was accessed and used in a negative way towards ATS, but for the first time I now have proof as to who gained access to the server. I am very upset about this and concerned for all in the industry including ATS, as we all are in this niche industry together.

Please see ATS’ formal stance here: http://www.atsdiesel.com/ats_new/resp/response.asp

DB Admin 12-16-2008 02:09 PM

Finally i knew there would be a reasonable explanation

underpressure! 12-16-2008 02:38 PM

I still won't buy anything from them.....not because of that just because i'm broke as usual! Seems to aways be that way lately!:argh:

06 DIESEL 12-16-2008 03:54 PM

The truth is out, IMO it still does not make ATS look good, even if it was a draft they still thought about it.

solarwarp 12-16-2008 04:04 PM

Originally Posted by DieselMinded (Post 253920)
Finally i knew there would be a reasonable explanation

What is the reasonable explanation?

TCU Fan 12-16-2008 04:06 PM

Hello Everyone. This is Bryan @ ATS Diesel and Clint has prepared a statement and has asked me to post EXACTLY this on his behalf:

After reading the forums for the last several years, and being in the business for more than fifteen, I thought I had seen it all. However, the level of hate in this last series of forum posts is unbelievable.

At SEMA this year, my attorney Stewart Cables and I attended numerous seminars regarding the new CARB and EPA regulations for our industry. At SEMA, ATS (among others) spoke with the EPA about potential ways to relax the stringent guidelines the EPA enforces on the diesel community, and how we could lessen its impact through legislation. In the meantime, Stewart drafted a letter (the one you see on the forums) and sent it to me on my email. When he sent me the draft, I was totally surprised. I told him he was absolutely not allowed to send it to the EPA or anyone else for that matter. I did not think he would identify specific people or companies, and ATS has never been the type of company to participate in negative tactics like this. He agreed. The letter posted on the forums right now is the only draft in existence.

When I told him no, as his client, that was the end of that. But now, thanks to whoever posted this information, this information is completely public and everyone in the whole diesel community knows about it. Now, the EPA knows information I would never, ever allow to be posted on the internet. Thanks to this letter, to that secret person, the EPA has a very good idea of EVERYONE who has purchased a DPF delete kit, and they can see how many of these delete kits are out there on the road.

Before this hit the forums, Jared sent me a text saying “Thanks for the letter to the EPA.” I had no idea what he was talking about since Stewart’s letter was never released. At first, I thought he was joking. I asked, pleaded with him to forward me the email or send me the source so I could figure out what he was talking about. He refused. Why? Why would he refuse to let me know where he got the email, if I truly sent the letter? I know that a lot of you will call Jared to see if this is true, which is great. It seems that everyone knew about this letter before myself and ATS.

On this letter, that supposedly went to the EPA, where is my signature? Where is Stewart’s signature? Where is the ATS letterhead we use for every letter that goes out the door? Where is the envelope? How could someone say ATS sent a letter to the EPA without intercepting it in the mail?

The only two people in the world to have ever seen this letter, before December, were myself and my attorney. Yet here it is, all over the internet for everyone to see and rip on ATS as rats and liars. That’s bs. ATS is aggressively pursuing the individuals involved with illegally accessing my private and confidential emails. My name has been drug through the mud and I will not tolerate the public posting of my private attorney emails. ATS will find out who accessed its private files and we will pursue every legal option available when we do.

I have received evidence that an unauthorized source has accessed my personal e-mail. This is unfortunately not the first time that strictly confidential internal information from my e-mail was accessed and used in a negative way towards ATS, but for the first time I now have proof as to who gained access to the server. I am very upset about this and concerned for all in the industry including ATS, as we all are in this niche industry together.

Please see ATS’ formal stance here: http://www.atsdiesel.com/ats_new/resp/response.asp

He should have had his personal attorney read his statement as he contradicts himself.

atrd86 12-16-2008 04:43 PM

Originally Posted by solarwarp (Post 253988)
What is the reasonable explanation?

Not to speak for DM but I think he meant that there must have been an explination to the origin of the letter and that it would be highly unlikely for ATS to have actually sent something like that.

solarwarp 12-16-2008 04:54 PM

True ATS, never admits to sending the letter... he does admit to it being drafted by him and his attorney ... and someone obtained it from his email.

Regardless, it is my opinion that they or atleast the attorney who drafted the letter were conspiring to eliminate their competition in whatever underhanded strategy necessary.

DB Admin 12-16-2008 04:59 PM

Originally Posted by atrd86 (Post 254019)
Not to speak for DM but I think he meant that there must have been an explination to the origin of the letter and that it would be highly unlikely for ATS to have actually sent something like that.

Yes your right , thats what i meant , i was sure there was an explanation , if not a confirmation from ATS before anyone jumped to conclusions . Once the Crap Storm starts its hard to stop , I was just hoping that everyone gave this sometime to come about rather good or bad before assuming the worst and running with it .

Same goes for Banks products Good or bad there all a big part of the diesel community and are doing what they thinks best to advance our niche in a forward manner .

None of these companies want to run diesels in the ground or they will be cutting there own throats

redneckbuckeye 12-16-2008 05:24 PM

Why draft a letter to the EPA in the first place, particularly with the names of there competitors in it, shitty if you ask me.

SPEAKSUP 12-16-2008 06:26 PM

I have talked to Eric and a couple of the other guys. It was his Attorney that drafted the letter. Clint Disproved of it i might have not even been sent. Everyone needs to calm down. ATS has been good people in sponsoring Many Events Forums ETC. Please you all have sen Clint Duramax that thing smokes like a traiin.

This is not good for sonsors on both sides. So I think we should all keep it civil with this thread. I have no problem with ATS and sure plenty of other people on here use their parts. Turbos and Warranties are first class.

Everything will be worked out im sure we just need to take a ste back and chill out. :c:

HOLYSMOKES 12-16-2008 07:18 PM

As the owner of ATS Diesel Performance, I have been scrutinizing the current situation regarding the EPA letter. I have withheld any reaction to this situation until I could go over all the facts, make extensive internal investigations, and then make an informed decision based on facts, not emotion.

Over the past 15 years, ATS has endured countless attacks aimed to discredit our reputation as a company and also me personally. I am saddened to say that this appears to be another one of those situations. I will not discuss who was ultimately responsible for this letter’s procurement and dissemination. Let me say that this kind of "scare mongering" can help no one and ultimately, not only damage the reputations of the parties concerned, but also the entire industry as a whole.

ATS' main focus, since our inception, has been one of promoting the diesel industry, first and foremost. ATS and its entire staff have focused their collective efforts into elevating the diesel industry by supporting events, providing tech support, sponsoring drivers and owners and helping innovative thinkers in the diesel community with support that combine both products and funding. Each employee at ATS Diesel shares the same commitment that I have to the industry, one of increased development and furthering the diesel industry.

The advent of more, far reaching restrictions from the EPA are something that we, as a whole, will have to learn to work within while still keeping the vehicles we love performing at levels that not only meet EPA's regulations, but also have the same great performance afforded us all by product developers and resellers like ATS Diesel. The unfortunate posting of a letter like this can do no good for any of the parties mentioned or the diesel community as a whole.

For you, our customers, and those in the diesel community, ATS will continue to provide, support, engineer, test and develop products for the diesel industry; working with you to bring to market the products and performance you demand with the quality you deserve.


Clint Cannon
ATS Diesel Performance Inc.
"Im sorry" would of been better. This letter says nothing to me.

SeaDrive 12-16-2008 07:22 PM

No offense to any lawyers that may be members here, but you all haven't met many of them. They are ruthless and don't care who they hurt. The letter sounds like a lawyer letter. Obviously it wasn't approved and someone did something bad to put it in the public eye. All it looks like ATS is guilty of is bad procedures on communications or hiring a bad lawyer. You guys are tough.

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