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Mr. Miyagi 12-02-2007 11:21 PM

I Can't Take Any More Death.....
OK this is just beginning to suck really bad.

Six months ago I lost a good friend to a drug overdose---circumstances are still sketchy but needless to say he died. His father and my father have been friends for over 35 years. It's still painful.

Now this weekend a terrible accident

To make it worse, I remember when both Miles and Rodney were born.....Miles' dad has been one of my dad's running buddies for years, and oh yea probably should mention the guy who lost his son six months ago works for Miles' dad and actually was Miles' and Rodney's crew boss.....

The world keeps taking people who matter.....why? This is bullshit....... :sad:

DangerousDuramax 12-03-2007 02:55 AM

RD, please take this from someone who has lost a close life and someone who has taken life. There is no easy answer to what you are experiencing and what happened. People make their own choices no matter how much others try to encourage them not to make the mistakes. This is the fallacy of the human-being. I lost a brother many years ago and it hurts me to this day. Initially it consumed my life and was all I could think about every single day. Over the years it has become easier but about 3 to 4 times a year me and one of my older sisters call each other and weep for our loss. Then I reflect on the time's I've spent in combat and the lives I've taken and I weep for them also. For their families that thought they would see them again, for the sons and daughters that lost their father, for a wife that lost the love of her life, and for a mother and father who lost a child long before they left this earth. These things should not be so but this is the way the human race has chosen to live despite the warnings that God has given us as to what will happen when we do these things. Like I said...there is no easy explanation and no easy answer and most likely there probably never will be.......BUT, we CAN learn to live again and move on with our lives in honor of those we loved so much. Not a day goes by that I dont grieve and suffer that my children are not with me. One day soon they will be but right now I can only be patient, hope, keep faith, and pray. Not too many days go by that I dont think of my brother and in fact his memory is what helped me through many rough nights in Baghdad. His death at many times helped me to reach deep within myself and draw out something that not even the Navy special warfare community could teach me to do. Right now you dont understand these things and dont receive them. Right now all you want to do is beat the living hell outta someone or something to help make the pain go away, but it doesnt work. I tryed that and found that it just made me a more miserable man than I already was. RIght now as I type this I sit and weep for your pain because I know how it feels and I'm looking at a picture of my brother and REMEMBERING. RD, if there's one thing great that I've learned in my 37 years on this earth........life isnt fair. It will rob from you when you least expect it and will destroy every dream you ever had. It will take whatever life is important to you and grind it on the threshing floor. All we can do is learn to love even more from these things. All we can do is learn to live. It is my hope and prayer that everything I have said has given even the most minute amount of comfort and some encouragement. Right now I'm going to log off and weep over the memory and tragic loss of my brother and remember you and your suffering while I am there. :sorry: :sad:

LOGANSTANFORTH 12-03-2007 05:12 AM

I know how you feel, I've probably lost 8 or 9 people close to me in the last 4 1/2 years since i graduated school, one of them took some pills at a party i was having and overdosed later at home, so i feel responsible for that and i live with that everyday when i think of him, i lost a good racing friend to a heart attack and also lost an aunt that practically raised me and i also lost a cousin to suicide along with alot of other people that made ALOT of bad decisions, living with pain is an everyday thing but sometimes it just dosent seem fair, sometimes its just easier to cry, no point in holding it in cause it just builds up and makes your life worse, i know i dont have the best track record with either of you guys but i know how you feel and if either of ya need to talk just shoot me a PM, life does get better though, it will get better, you wont forget the loses in your life but it does make you want to spend more time with the ones you love, so hug the closest person to ya and tell them ya love them........Logan.

P.S. just remember guys we aint here very long, so love whoever ya can, mend whats broken and hold who needs held, and make the best of what short time we all have left and live your lives to the fullest.........

DB Admin 12-03-2007 05:36 AM

Dan Sorry to here about the loss ,

One thing that always plays true The Driver 51 Lives ......

I think this is gods way ,

When i was 12 One of my close friends was with his 8 year old sister , his dad was drunk wrecked and killed him and his sister and the dad never got a scratch the car was in a million pieces , Now that guy has to live with that forever ,

If the wreck was that bad and the 2 boys died and the 51 year old lived then there was a definite reason for his life being spared rather it be Guilt for what ever reason or the fact that his purpose on life hasnt been fulfilled and this accident will get him back on track for why hes here

Seriously i be leave thats the case Its the only way to truly Relate to Death at gods hands ,

2 Years ago My uncle was heading South bound on I270 , He worked in the trenches "Construction" all his life built up a huge company Drove this road a million times , Was heading home from his shop where he just turned the biz over to his son and annouced his retirement , He had a friend in his truck with him running 80MPH , when heading North bound a woman was on her cell phone and never seen the traffic was stoped , Yank the wheel hit the median and went air born upside down way up in the air , My uncle was driving seen the SUV up in the air , And realized this was it , Said YOU OR ME and whiped the wheel to the RIGHT real hard , the SUV bounced off a Van directly in front of my uncles truck (Killed Both thge people in the van instantly and the woman in the upside down suv) , At this point my uncle was turned far enough for the SUV to Hit him square in the drivers door , all said and done the passenger Never had a scratch My uncle was gone , Just Like that he made a choice

It took me till recently to feel un paranoid on the interstate. I Avoid it as much as possible and use SR40 to travel East and West

Whit 12-03-2007 09:21 AM

Sorry to hear this Dan

God works in mysterous ways............we will never understand them

enjoy the time you have here cuz we never know whos next

one thing fer sure ...none of us gettin out alive

Diesel Dawgs Performance 12-03-2007 09:43 AM

I had a friend named Brandon that was killed in a local bar. This guy was talkin smack to his wife and Brandon told the guy to leave her alone. The guy left and then 1 hr later he came back to the bar and stabbed Brandon in the neck with a pool stick. Brandon was 29 when he was killed. Life deals us cards and we just have to play them the best we can.

Whit 12-03-2007 09:46 AM

life aint always fair

Mr. Miyagi 12-03-2007 10:18 AM

Thanks guys.

I know in time it'll get better....been the voice of reason for others in this situation, but having three people within 1/2 a year die who all know each other is a tough pill to swallow.

Just makes me think if I wouldn't work so hard to beat the hand I've been dealt lately and defy the odds that others would still be here....almost like I've screwed up the mojo of the system..... :sad:

Pay no mind to my bitching....just in a pisser mood.

Whit 12-03-2007 10:25 AM

yer OK Bud........................Life does go on man....and it must

the mojo is fine,

bottom line is when its yer time its yer time..............I firmly believe that yer life plan is already laid out the day you are born.

I know its hard to do sometimes BUT

"Live with passion "

Mr. Miyagi 12-03-2007 10:34 AM

Originally Posted by Whitmore (Post 82872)

"Live with passion "

I tried but she's a nutcase....

Whit 12-03-2007 10:37 AM

Originally Posted by Radio Flyer (Post 82875)
I tried but she's a nutcase....

Ya there are a few of them out there tooooooo

Mr. Miyagi 12-03-2007 10:41 AM

Originally Posted by Whitmore (Post 82878)
Ya there are a few of them out there tooooooo

A few? Man that's all that's around here...

Hey weather report for today:

12.5" of rain expected from 9pm Sunday to 9pm Monday, hurrican force winds (sustained >76mph) all along the WA coast....every river on the Olympic Peninsula is at flood stage already, flood warnings posted for all.

Avalanche warnings in every mountain pass....standing water on every major highway in western WA....all schools in Grays Harbor County closed.....

but hey, it's almost 60* today. Things are looking up.

Whit 12-03-2007 10:47 AM

way tooo much rain for me.......I dunno how ya do it up there?

I love the rain.....maybe for a hour of 2 thats it

Mr. Miyagi 12-03-2007 10:59 AM

This ain't normal here either.....

Least ya don't have to shovel it....gives me an excuse to dig a moat around the house, build a draw bridge, get some crocodiles.....

LOGANSTANFORTH 12-03-2007 03:08 PM

like what i said over in the "Nostradamus' thread in candyland

no matter what you do, when its time to die, you are gonna die and there isnt anything you, me, or anyone else can do about it, so have fun, live life like you want, be happy that you are here and all the people that are still around too.........we can say all the coulda, woulda, shoulda's we can til we are blue in the face but hind sight is 20/20 and the future is blurry so be happy you are still alive and well today.......

babydoll214 12-03-2007 06:46 PM

You know, I was feeling really sorry for myself about a week ago... Had some really strange stuff happen. I got it in my head that I wanted to find one of my old friends from high school who I hadn't talked to in several years. I knew he was in the Army and that he was nowhere near Virginia. Well, I found him on MySpace, sent him a message on the 12th and got a REALLY great reply on the 13th. He died in Iraq on the 16th. Talk about feeling unlucky! It still hurts REALLY bad just to think about it.

Then something happened...

Last week one of our really good friends lost her mom. She had been really sick, but still, she lost her MOM! On top of that, her little brother was killed in a bad car wreck back in October 2006 along with three other young boys. She has lost so much and is still so strong!

I just know that if she can be THAT strong, then I have to be, too. Everyone goes through really hard times. It just make you appreciate the good times and the people around you that much more.

Alli_Gator 12-03-2007 07:06 PM

I am sorry for your loss.

OneBadBia 12-03-2007 07:40 PM

About 6 months before I became pregnant my grand father passed away then when I was 2 months pregnant my grandmother passed away, when I was 8 months pregnant I lost my father, 5 months after I had my daughter I lost 2 friends in a car accident and just last week I lost my other grandfather. I have kinda came to believe there is no way to "get over it" but to just learn to deal with it. When my father was diagnosed with cancer he became very interested in hawks he got his license and caught his first hawk, he use to take it out to fields in the middle of no where and let it hunt I guess it was his way of just getting away from everything. He told me one time that when he died he was going to watch over us (my mom and I) and still be there for us it may sound weird to other people but it seems like everytime I need him or think about him I always see a hawk in the sky. On my way back from my grandfathers funeral last week I started crying looked up and on a telephone pole was a hawk. Some people tell me that its just in my head and I use it to make my self feel better, that probably is true but hey it works.

6 years after my fathers death and there is still times that I cry and wish that I still had a father there to complain about what I wear and the people I hang out with.
I like to believe that all things happen for a reason god put us here for a purpose and when we have served our purpose our time is up. Death is something that is going to happen to all of us and I know that when its my time I dont want people sitting around crying but remembering the times we had together.

Mr. Miyagi 12-03-2007 08:17 PM

Guess I should stop whining then.....because two kids who actually were what is right with this world are gone, and my dumbass is still here. It'll never make sense.....

Everything that's wrong with the young generation lately, those two were opposite of.

dalton06 12-03-2007 10:06 PM

sorry for everyones losses. i lost a friend a few years ago to cancer that everyone thought he had beat. he was a friend of mines dad but everytime i was over at their house we hung out more than my friend and i. he let me drive his viper before his son did. he was like my best friend but older. its kinda wierd because he didnt notice anything until his family kinda fell apart. kids getting bad grades wife wanting divorce. i thought they were the perfect happy family. he got sick then went to some good doctors and got remarkably better the all of a sudden it hit hard. all of a sudden it came back and there was no help. the hardest part was seeing him laying in the bed at home just waiting. i tried to get by there as much as i could but i just couldnt take it knowing that it would be any day now. i stopped by one afternoon and sat with him while he watched the vikings football game(he was the biggest fan. spike tv actually did a show with him in it about hardcore football fans. the hardest thing to watch). before i left we talked a bit then he sat up and hugged me and told me to be good and he loved me. they told me that was the last time he was able to say anything to anybody. he passed a couple day after. it hit hard. my best wishes to everyone and live everyday to the fullest. he made me keep my truck clean. he said it was a reflection of the owner. i guess to this day i clean it for him...

bow2no1 12-04-2007 08:41 AM

that sucks. sorry to hear you have lost some close friends.

i lost a friend 6 years ago. i guess he couldn't deal with his home life any more. so he shot him self. to bad he was one of the coolest guys i knew. i never knew he had a bad home life till it was to late

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