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brindle_bull 12-15-2010 10:31 PM

Hold up, hold on, slow down....there are sooooo many ways to go about this and so many different combinations to it. county agents are in fact good people to get in touch with. But with farming you dont just have to go out and buy land and tractors...you can lease land from people that own it but dont want to tend it. and also have you considered custom cutting? all the joys of farming without having to buy land or stay in one place. generally to "make" profit you must obtain alot of land and have your hand in multiple products. ranching- 5 acres per animal not true i can see about 11 places from my back yard that operate 50-100,000 head in an area no larger than 150 acres called a finishing yard. thus if your into cattle you must decide what your raising them for, milk? beef? or to produce more cattle? again you may lease land to do so. most people around here do both farm and ranch they grow corn and wheat and feed the cattle in a yard until harvest at that point they turn the cattle or horses out on the stocks or stubble thats left to cushion the feed bill. but as previously stated it all depends on where you plan on setting up camp.

redneck11 12-15-2010 10:35 PM

Originally Posted by kazairl (Post 668513)
Find Farmer with daughter. Marry the daughter. Suck up to daddy. Farming issues solved.

after reading all this acutally im not going to lie i scanned threw it not much of a reader i thinke this is the best cheapest and easiest way and every farmers daughter ive ever seen is HOT so thats the biggest plus :tu:

prison 12-15-2010 10:40 PM

yes i know. unfortunately my girlfriend would kick my ass :tttt:

Farmboy 2.0 12-15-2010 10:55 PM

Ok this is coming from a person who grew up on a farm and has done it his whole life up until about 2 years ago. This is not a job from the faint of heart! It takes alot of money to get into and maintain! You need land for either crops or livestock or both. Farming is not a job that you get rich at unless you inherit a farm that has old money behind it. You should go about farming that you will break even and not not make tons of money. You need to have a keen sense for how the markeys operate, wether it be you need to sell short or long etc. Also you need to be able to have the equity or whatever to get loans from the bank. And in washington and I dont know about new york but they a loan to help young farmers get started.

---AutoMerged DoublePost---

And by know means am I trying to shut you down! If you wanna do this and try I hope you succeed its amazing life but hard and very stressful. I had my own business for over almost 2 years doing custom farming for people all over eastern washington. But like most things the economy forced me to close it down because of all my overheard and people ran out of the money to have me work there gorund for them. But if you have questions about farming let me know

prison 12-15-2010 11:08 PM

I would like to say i absolutely do not have any intention of getting rich. and if i do i dont want to "get rich quick" i believe in hard work and succeeding when the odds are against you. If i can maintain farming for a full time job eventually i would like to teach my kids the same lesson. Scott i'm sure you learned hard work growing up on a farm. I'm sure you also learned a lot more things and a lot of values that kids don't learn these days. so when i consider farming i'm not considering getting into it and trying to get rich which i know i wont do. i'm considering long term benefits especially for when i do have kids they won't be walking around on the street with there pants hanging off the ass getting into there civic and turning the bass up so i can hear it from 10 miles away they'll be working there asses off and calling people mam and sir, not yo or dude and they'll have work experience so that if they decide they dont want to farm the rest of their lives they will contribute to society in some other way. THAT is my America (yes they will also capitalize the A in America) So you can see i have thought about farming and have more than one reason as well as i enjoy it. i can also put together a mean business plan and use about every microsoft office program so i believe i could potentially start this venture , and with this research like that i am doing with this post on this forum that you all are contributing to excellently, i believe i could succeed although it may be harder for me because i was not born into it, that is just another challenge for me to overcome and have even more pride in.

Thanks guys keep the comments and advice coming

Farmboy 2.0 12-15-2010 11:16 PM

Indeed.... I hope if you start you can succeed and teach your kids to do they same because we the American Farmer are a dieing breed and we need kids to carry on our legacy. My kids will still learn to farm and grow up as I did because I still do farm on the side when i get a chance on weekends and such

rubberfish 12-15-2010 11:23 PM

If you're gonna become a farmer you should grow dope.
According to the news thats where the money's at. lol
And it smells a lot better'n cow poop as well. :w2:

rednekroper05 12-15-2010 11:28 PM

I am all for any one that would like to start farming or ranching because like scott said we are a dying breed. the bad part is many kids that are rasied on farms or ranches today are often not following their upbringing. I often cuss the work but since ive moved 7hrs from the home place it kills me not to be doing the work. Im always up for helping other young people to get started but im always upfront on the hardships with them

lol yeah thats where the money may be at but i kinda like the smell of cow crap

prison 12-15-2010 11:33 PM

i like the smell of cow crap better than the smell of Jail.
I appreciate you guys being upfront about it. thats what i need. i dont need to hear all good things and find the worst i need to hear the worst and find it if i choose.
Scott when you grew up was it stock or crop?
redneck im assuming by the roper name its either stock or both

Farmboy 2.0 12-15-2010 11:34 PM

Originally Posted by rednekroper05 (Post 668623)
I am all for any one that would like to start farming or ranching because like scott said we are a dying breed. the bad part is many kids that are rasied on farms or ranches today are often not following their upbringing. I often cuss the work but since ive moved 7hrs from the home place it kills me not to be doing the work. Im always up for helping other young people to get started but im always upfront on the hardships with them

lol yeah thats where the money may be at but i kinda like the smell of cow crap

Indeed!!! I do.... I know call me crazy

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