Diesel Bombers

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babydoll214 01-08-2008 08:35 PM

As far as I know, all of the address should still be good except for the one from me. (Caleb's coming home!!!)

Most of the people who have posted addresses have also posted lists of items that they want or need.

Thanks for your help!

toy4xchris 02-06-2008 01:20 AM

ok guys my unit is getting ready to head east here soon to play in the sand box so when I get the new address for us I will let you know. and I just wanna say thank you again for supporting us

Blue01F250 02-06-2008 02:29 AM

Cool guys! I have a cousin over there right now and before Christmas I sent 3 packages to some people who I have no idea who they were...lol I really hope they got them :)

I heard all sorts of crazy stories about people in diff countries opening up troops packages cause they knew there were most likely cool/good stuff in there.. I truly hope thats not the case!

Anyway -- we need more names so we can keep sending packages!!!

I spent $50 on stuff at the dollar store (pringles, candy, razors, shaving cream, etc) and then spent $12 each (just over 5lbs each) to send 3 boxes -- spent less than $100 on 3 people and sent a lot of stuff!

btw -- I was told not to mark exactly what all was in the box for customs, just say candy or something generic so that when it does go thru customs in other countries, they don't get opened up and the valuable items picked out during the "inspection" of the package

LOGANSTANFORTH 02-06-2008 10:27 PM

Originally Posted by toy4xchris (Post 116716)
ok guys my unit is getting ready to head east here soon to play in the sand box so when I get the new address for us I will let you know. and I just wanna say thank you again for supporting us

well dude, as of tomorrow if everything goes right with my interview, i probably wont be far behind ya.........

DB Admin 02-06-2008 10:39 PM

Good Luck !!

toy4xchris 03-11-2008 01:01 AM

heres my address for all ya out there
chris touchatt
NMCB Three Det TQ
unit 25269 fpo ap 96601-4921

LOGANSTANFORTH 03-25-2008 02:39 AM


he leaves in a few hours people...........

DB Admin 03-25-2008 02:40 AM

Best Wishes Man TAKE CARE !!

LOGANSTANFORTH 03-25-2008 02:43 AM

“Courage, above all things, is the first quality of a warrior.”

Karl von Clausewitz

thank you for serving.....

Cumminscowboy_101 06-22-2008 03:00 AM

I WISH I WOULD HAVE FOUND THIS THREAD EARLIER!! Man that is really cool of everyone to want to help. If y'all are still doing this, I could use some stuff. I live on a tiny combat outpost comprised of 5 houses we took over from Iraqis. We got a generator out here for power, put up some walls and BANG a working American Joint Security Station. We live with the Iraqi Army on the JSS. We are in Baghdad, working with them doing joint patrols. I am an infantyman with the 101st Airborne Division, AIR ASSAULT!! If you dont know what that is, watch Blackhawk Down, that is what I do, right down to the fast roping. I have been in the army for 4 years, 4 more to go. I re-enlisted on my year long first tour to Iraq, and retruned a year later. I currently have been in country for 8 months, 7 more months until we return, 3 short months until I can get some leave. Woot!

Here are some things I could use:

Microwavable food
Any horse magazines i.e. Spin to Win, Western Horseman etc
Louis L'amour books
Slim Jims
Cotton roping gloves (I practice my team roping over here)
A Classic XS 30' head rope (wierd I know but roping practice helps a lot)
Anything diesel related
One of them stickers to stick on my humvee and take a pic of

Really, anything y'all sent, would be great for my men and myself. I really appreciate the people like you all out there who support us.
Here's my address:

Warman, Bryan, SPC
HHT 1/75 CAV
2 BCT 101ABN
UNIT #43485
APO AE 09344

Thank, again! :U:

DB Admin 06-22-2008 03:24 AM

Thanks for what your Doing ! ill see what i can get heading your way !

LOGANSTANFORTH 06-22-2008 11:32 AM

post what you need out of the PX and ill try and scrounge up some stuff our PX is pretty bare but its better than nothing.....

Cumminscowboy_101 06-22-2008 06:13 PM

Just some microwavable food and some peach tea would be great. Thank you all!!! :U:

dieselgrl4life 06-22-2008 10:08 PM

An update on chris, for all who are wondering..... He is doing well and in good spirits, but really wanting to come home, lol, he misses everything and everyone back home, they have him doing a different job then the one he was supposed to be doing.So he says the time passes a little faster. I have sent a few big packages and send letters or cards as often as i can. I talk to him online almost daily so its nice to be able to talk to him often. but yeah thats whats goin on w him, thought id post up here to give ya'll an update.
thanx for all of you who want to help our guys/ gals overseas, I know it really helps them out alot to know that they have so many people at home who care.:U: and a BIG thanks to Chris, and all of our other brave Men and Woman over seas fighting for our country, you really do make a difference in our world and we thank you for your bravery!:U:

DB Admin 06-28-2008 08:09 PM

Originally Posted by Cumminscowboy_101 (Post 173930)
I WISH I WOULD HAVE FOUND THIS THREAD EARLIER!! Man that is really cool of everyone to want to help. If y'all are still doing this, I could use some stuff. I live on a tiny combat outpost comprised of 5 houses we took over from Iraqis. We got a generator out here for power, put up some walls and BANG a working American Joint Security Station. We live with the Iraqi Army on the JSS. We are in Baghdad, working with them doing joint patrols. I am an infantyman with the 101st Airborne Division, AIR ASSAULT!! If you dont know what that is, watch Blackhawk Down, that is what I do, right down to the fast roping. I have been in the army for 4 years, 4 more to go. I re-enlisted on my year long first tour to Iraq, and retruned a year later. I currently have been in country for 8 months, 7 more months until we return, 3 short months until I can get some leave. Woot!

Here are some things I could use:

Microwavable food
Any horse magazines i.e. Spin to Win, Western Horseman etc
Louis L'amour books
Slim Jims
Cotton roping gloves (I practice my team roping over here)
A Classic XS 30' head rope (wierd I know but roping practice helps a lot)
Anything diesel related
One of them stickers to stick on my humvee and take a pic of

Really, anything y'all sent, would be great for my men and myself. I really appreciate the people like you all out there who support us.
Here's my address:

Warman, Bryan, SPC
HHT 1/75 CAV
2 BCT 101ABN
UNIT #43485
APO AE 09344

Thank, again! :U:

We have a Box Full Of Goodies heading to you i will ship Monday :deal:

LOGANSTANFORTH 07-02-2008 10:45 AM

here's something for all of the guys serving over here.......

Cumminscowboy_101 07-02-2008 12:23 PM

Hey I really appreciate it!!! I havnt gotten a package in a LONG time. I think it was cold out the last one I got, so I really look forward to it. Thank you, again, so much.

DB Admin 07-02-2008 12:54 PM

Its on its way bud ,

20Q Game with Batteries - May seem gay but its pretty fun

A deck of Playing Cards
Some Campbell Soup in a Can
A Loius Lamour Book
Tuna Salad kit
Chicken Salad kit
DB Promo Cards
DB Decals
Gillette Saving Gel
Eye Drops - Moisturizer
Return Envelopes Ink Pens and Paper
A bunch of Juicy Fruit gum

Like $40 of stuff i hope You / Your Troops find Entertaining / Fulfilling :)

I shipped it out 2 days ago

Cumminscowboy_101 07-03-2008 07:55 AM

Oh man that is great. Its getting really really hot here right about now, so morale is starting to take a dive. I contacted my dude that handles the mail, and he will make sure it finds its way to me ASAP. Sounds awesome, and thank you, again.:U:

jon_crump 07-03-2008 11:33 PM

I am overseas, Korea. But i really don't know of anything i need, just really miss home, i have been here for over 10 months now and i have a 1 year old (14 months) son back home, i really miss my wife and son. But thanks for the offer it is really nice to know that there are people that are so willing to give. I am proud to be serving my country for people like you!! Thanks again!! :c:

---AutoMerged DoublePost---

Nice to see there are so many other service members on here, and for those in Iraq, I'll see ya in Jan. Yeah that's right right after a 1 year short tour, going on another 6 month tour!! Tried to talk my way out of it, but my carrier field is short manned so i have no choice!! :booo: :ouch:

97cummins 07-04-2008 03:44 AM

Come home safe folks and thanks for all the hard work.:U::usa::usa:

LOGANSTANFORTH 07-04-2008 11:18 AM

our DFAC is running out of food and the PX is just about bare......

toy4xchris 07-04-2008 11:26 AM

man that sucks ours is going good on food and well i see alot of diff places some have good stores and some not so lol you should try traveling lol:c:

jon_crump 07-05-2008 04:47 AM

Where are you located right now??

Cumminscowboy_101 07-05-2008 08:46 AM

That's a good thing that you got a DFAC and PX. Last tour our DFAC was made out of wood, all food prepared in MKTs, served in mermites. No PX. This tour, even worse. Nothing out here. We get mermite food once a day on trucks. Its the whole new JSS (joint security station) plan, having troops living in sector, instead of FOBs and Camps. It sucks, but it does work. :argh:

LOGANSTANFORTH 07-05-2008 10:54 AM

we finally got a convoy in last night.......and if any of you make it down here you got a free meal at Ciano's on me........

---AutoMerged DoublePost---

Originally Posted by toy4xchris (Post 178888)
man that sucks ours is going good on food and well i see alot of diff places some have good stores and some not so lol you should try traveling lol:c:

i wish i could travel man....i think next time around im coming back with my CDL and doing TTM recovery......

Cumminscowboy_101 07-07-2008 04:59 PM

THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! I received the box today! Awesome! I divvied up the contents to my my soldiers, and kept a couple things. I'll see what I can do about getting a sticker on one of my up-armored humvees, and getting a pic up. Really, good stuff. I appreciate it!!:deal:

DB Admin 07-08-2008 05:07 AM

WOW that was pretty fast ! Glad you liked it , And thank you and your men for your Service! :U:

dirsfs 07-08-2008 03:40 PM

To all who serve, a huge thank you from me and my family. You're keeping us safe in our beds at night, you know it. To those who are "playing in the sand"... May God keep you safe and bring you home soon.


greasemonkey 07-16-2008 12:04 AM

just a couple more ideas to throw up of stuff to send out there:

havoc heli toy rc helicopter...about $20-30 for DAYS of skill-testing entertainment. actually, pretty much any of the 'Air Hogs' RC toys, just do a google search for them, most major toy stores and department stores will have them(toys r us, target, sears...)

cigars...I like to go through cigarsinternational.com

LOGANSTANFORTH 07-16-2008 09:39 PM

im headed to Camp Delta for a few weeks saturday to work cause i guess they have less mechanics than we do and were running skeleton crew..........now they yank two guys out of the shop, me and another new guy and are shipping us north to Al Kut......should be fun......we will be about 35 miles from the iranian bornder so im sure we will be getting busted ALOT........

Cumminscowboy_101 07-18-2008 06:38 PM

Nice. Its still pretty quiet here. Last IED was like 3 weeks ago. Still running the missions all the time though. Oh I talked to my sergeant about putting that sticker on the truck and taking a pic. He said he was cool with that, but we have to take it off as soon as the pic was taken because its a distinguishing mark, and not allowed. So that should be coming up in the near future....more to follow!

DB Admin 07-18-2008 06:43 PM

That would be AWESOME !! ,

Also I have a Friend who is into cigars , How many people are in your group ? these cigars are over $180 A box i think theres 10 in a box ,

I told him about you guys and asked him if he had any xtra cigars laying around i could ship to you , he said he wouldnt feel right giving normal cigars he wants to give the best and asked me to get a head count for your group .

and if a photo would be possible of you guys enjoying them that would just make him ecstatic :U:

Cumminscowboy_101 07-19-2008 03:10 PM

That is too easy. Lets see....I would say there are about 15 guys that smoke cigars pretty regularly here, so you can judge the number off of that. We actually group up on the rooftop at night to smoke, so a pic should be no problem!! I will tell they guys and the captains. Most of the religous cigar smokers are captains, with some of us enlisted guys as well. I talked to my sergeant and we are waiting to get the new weapon system mounted to the humvee before we take the pic with the sticker on it. I'm mounting a .50 cal on it, instead of the M240B so it will look way better. Keep me updated!! :U:

greasemonkey 07-19-2008 04:22 PM

as far as cigars go, mad props to anyone willing to throw a box of $18 cigars their way!! I know most of the CAO and Drew Estates (Java, Dirt, Natural, Acid seem to be the most popular of the D.E. line) are some of my brothers and my favorites and they're relatively inexpensive through Cigs Int'l, they end up being $3-8 each for a GOOD smoke. Look at the drop down menus of 'cigars> (big list of brands), (everyday values)' and 'samplers> (featured deals) and (brand samplers).

in those samplers, there are a lot of $20-50 boxes of 8-15 or so that make great gifts for the guys in the sandbox, my brother even got to come home a few days early once because he gave the right guy some cigars that we'd sent him!

DB Admin 07-19-2008 11:30 PM

I have passed your info on to him

WinstonWolf 07-19-2008 11:48 PM

... Thank you all for your sacrifices made during your service to our Country.
You are always in our thoughts and prayers.

LOGANSTANFORTH 07-20-2008 02:03 PM

Originally Posted by Cumminscowboy_101 (Post 184177)
Nice. Its still pretty quiet here. Last IED was like 3 weeks ago. Still running the missions all the time though. Oh I talked to my sergeant about putting that sticker on the truck and taking a pic. He said he was cool with that, but we have to take it off as soon as the pic was taken because its a distinguishing mark, and not allowed. So that should be coming up in the near future....more to follow!

i just came into BIAP yesterday, been at Victory since then and im headed to Delta sometime tomorrow.....

Cumminscowboy_101 07-20-2008 05:50 PM

Dude are you serious? I was at Victory and Slayer TODAY!! I am at Liberty now, we had some electrical issues with the truck, so we had to bring it in. Man this place is awesome. I wish I could live here all the time. We are heading out tomorrow, you should see if you could make your way over here!! That would be on point.

Also, cant wait for those cigars. That will be great! Again, I will make sure to get your buddy a pic. Same with the sticker, again waiting for the Ma Duece (.50 cal) to get out of the shop. Later!!

LOGANSTANFORTH 07-20-2008 09:31 PM

Originally Posted by Cumminscowboy_101 (Post 185264)
Dude are you serious? I was at Victory and Slayer TODAY!! I am at Liberty now, we had some electrical issues with the truck, so we had to bring it in. Man this place is awesome. I wish I could live here all the time. We are heading out tomorrow, you should see if you could make your way over here!! That would be on point.

Also, cant wait for those cigars. That will be great! Again, I will make sure to get your buddy a pic. Same with the sticker, again waiting for the Ma Duece (.50 cal) to get out of the shop. Later!!

i am right near "radio hill" where they got the C-RAM's setup.....at the KBR BTC.....i aint sure how much longer ill be here but i will be back through in 2 weeks or so.....we can try and catch up then.......ill be in G3/Delta for a while.....

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