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smokeeaterlb7 07-03-2010 06:44 PM

I am done with tobacco.
A little background for the community in hopes that someone out here is like myself. I have an addictive personality. If i am gonna do something, I do it all out, and don't half ass it. With that being said, I am currently going thru a can of skoal about every 2.5 days. it doesnt sound like much, but I throw a dip in after my morning shower and it stays there until lunch. I have another dip after lunch that last for a couple hours. And one more before dinner which is at about 1730. Then have an additional 2 dips for a few hours each to end the day. This is pretty much my regular routine.

Now, i have not quit... yet. I want to do this cold turkey, with the least amount of medicinal or nicotine assistance possible(refer to my personality). So what are some things that have helped the DB community become tobacco free?? And any Tips, suggestions, or motivation is not only welcome, but wanted.

Tahnks in advance for any support that i get from you guys and gals here. :yeah:

LawnScum 07-03-2010 06:54 PM

lots of gum and chew on cocktail straws or tooth picks. sunflower seeds work to just all the salt hurt my gums worse then copenhagen did. goodluck :tu: YOU CAN DO IT!!!

smokeeaterlb7 07-03-2010 07:07 PM

Thanks for tips. Is there anything that you did to break the routine of when you had dip?? I know right i after is one of my strongest cravings.

mikeshauling 07-03-2010 07:17 PM

I use 2 cans of skoal WGLC a day. I need to quit, but ive never tried. I can only imagine how hard it would be....GOOD LUCK !

Uncle Bubba 07-03-2010 07:39 PM

I have to quite once in a while for weeks at a time because of stomach problems, I put a chew in and within seconds I'm doubled over in pain. When I go through this I use tea bags to substitute the chew with as far as the habit of doing it. The nicotine cravings, well you just have to fight your way past that dragon.

12vcummins96 07-03-2010 08:11 PM

i quit smoking cold turkey i mean i was in a hospital cause i broke my leg due to my motorcycle accident but i did gum everytime i had a craving

MIGUEL 76442 07-03-2010 08:16 PM

Good luck. I usually can quit for three weeks then it gets me. I haven't been strong enough to go through it. Like i said good luck.

jrad989 07-04-2010 12:40 AM

good luck. mind over matter. i quit once when i got my wisdom teeth out. but that didnt last long. i chewed a ton of gum.

akguppy 07-04-2010 02:17 AM

Yep, you just gotta put your mind to it. :tu:

smokeeaterlb7 07-04-2010 03:12 AM

Well its officially day one, and so far no tobacco since about midnight. i figure that quitting this shit would start on the 4th of july. Right now i am jsut trying to make it thru the first ten days. i hear those are the hardest ones.

I am definitely a little edge. i feel bad for the guys that ahve to deal with me 24/7. i refuse to tell them cuz there are some guys that would rub it in my face and get a relapse out of me.

gwhammy 07-04-2010 05:47 AM

I worked with a guy that quit cold turkey, after they took one side of his jaw bone out with cancer. He chewed most of his life and smoked some while he was chewing. I'm sure it's hard to quit but it's probably worth it.

DIRTYMAX2004 07-04-2010 06:20 AM

i myself have never done it but many in my family have. they just always kept something in their mouth. hard candy, seeds, gum, tooth pics anything like that or chew the natural stuff. it tastes so bad that you wont want to chew it. the only problem is whatever you use as a substitue you will most likely become your habit. Good luck man :tu: i wish i could quit.

Diesel Dawgs Performance 07-04-2010 08:10 AM

I quit smoking a little over 5 weeks ago. Its going to be a long hard road but if you truely want to quit you can do it.

Good Luck :c:

NadirPoint 07-04-2010 09:01 AM

Gum and toothpicks works for me. I smoked as a teenager and chewed everything from Red man to Copenhagen on and off ever since. Haven't had anything in almost 2 years now. Biggest issue for me was the life insurance premiums.

Once you finally realize you don't need it, it's all over.

Billy D 07-04-2010 09:11 AM

My buddie went to an herbal store and tried differnt types of tea, and found one he liked and did the teabags, and today he still does teabags, but no Skoal! It's been about a month, he says it's really workin fer him, he swears by the teabag, but he says you gota find one that fits your liking. You can do it!! You can do it!!:rocking:

smokeeaterlb7 07-04-2010 12:19 PM

Hey thanks for all the support. i am kinda limited on resources at the time due to my location. I do have teabags, but they are the lipton tea bags. pretty good sized. Went to the PX today and got gum, seeds, and jerky. And i dumped out out 5 brand new cans this morning. I am ready for this battle to begin and get it out of the way. I hate being dependent on something so stupid as a can of skoal

kmkdiesel 07-04-2010 12:26 PM

get a prescription for chantex, also gum and sunflower seeds, and dont be an idiot like me and start back up after 2 years of not a drag or dip.

Uncle Bubba 07-04-2010 05:14 PM

Originally Posted by kmkdiesel (Post 583698)
get a prescription for chantex, also gum and sunflower seeds, and dont be an idiot like me and start back up after 2 years of not a drag or dip.

Beware of the Chantex. It works for kickin the habit but it can have some radical side effects. I was a half inch from goin to jail almost 2 years ago because of a guy that was on it. He flipped his lid and was goin off the deep end and I stepped in to stop him from what he was gettin ready to do. He swung and i had to pin him to the ground and hold him there till the authorities got there and they were gonna arrest me. His erratic behavior was noticed by the cops as they were taking his statement and it was later discovered to be a side affect of the Chantex. He was totally out of control and had no idea what he was doing.

trynto 07-04-2010 05:26 PM

Best wishes to you on quitting. :jump:

I know what you mean about an additive personality, I was smoking 3 packs a day of Pall Mall reds, finally accepted that they were killing me, Quit cold turkey, after 2 weeks it was a breeze. It took 25 more years to get off the alcohol, I have been sober 9 years next month...

You can do it... remember 'tho "don't trade 1 bad habit for another"

Begle1 07-04-2010 05:32 PM

Originally Posted by Uncle Bubba (Post 583898)
Beware of the Chantex. It works for kickin the habit but it can have some radical side effects. I was a half inch from goin to jail almost 2 years ago because of a guy that was on it. He flipped his lid and was goin off the deep end and I stepped in to stop him from what he was gettin ready to do. He swung and i had to pin him to the ground and hold him there till the authorities got there and they were gonna arrest me. His erratic behavior was noticed by the cops as they were taking his statement and it was later discovered to be a side affect of the Chantex. He was totally out of control and had no idea what he was doing.

That's the experience my dad had with the Chantix, only he was on it at the time.

He's got a couple gaps missing from his memory now. :ouch:

Uncle Bubba 07-04-2010 06:21 PM

Originally Posted by Begle1 (Post 583911)
That's the experience my dad had with the Chantix, only he was on it at the time.

He's got a couple gaps missing from his memory now. :ouch:

This guy was still on it also. As soon as they took him off of it it took some weeks but they said he was back to normal again. It's good stuff but you have to be careful with it and have somebody that knows you well keeping an eye out for the side affects.

smokeeaterlb7 07-04-2010 07:35 PM

Chantix..... Nope. not touching it. I dont want a bit of assistance from patches, gum, of pills. I know its gonna suck, but thats what i want. that way i have no urge to have another dip. I figure if it sucks something terrible this go around, that will prevent me from getting back on the tobacco wagon. And every person i have seen take chantix, failed. they were back to smoking withing days of "quitting".

Again, thanks for support from everyone. i honestly think its helping keep me motivated. day one kinda sucked. i had some pretty strong cravings, but i dealt with them by keeping my mind off it.

kmkdiesel 07-04-2010 09:23 PM

wow really I didnt know that about it, thanks for the heads up ill let alot of people know now because most people use it around here, good luck to ya.

DieselJake 07-04-2010 11:36 PM

Congrats on the decision to dump the smokes. :jump::jump:

I started when I was 9 +/- and began buying my own at 12. Just quit 2 years ago. Over 50 now. Did the gum, did the losenges. Mostly was able quit because I was tired of wasting $$ and smelling like crap, all for something that really wasn't even enjoyable anymore. :td:

In short - Make up your mind, then get rid of all ashtrays, smoke the rest of your cigs, tell your co-workers you're quitting, and don't have that "just 1" from a buddy. You will make it !! :tu:

smokeeaterlb7 07-06-2010 10:56 AM

well, day three is almost over, and it seems like forever.... damn this is gonna take forever. but def feeling the urges more today than the last 2. Definitely noticing my temper getting the best of me. of course having a person around all the time that pisses you off doesnt help that.

NadirPoint 07-06-2010 11:18 AM

Originally Posted by smokeeaterlb7 (Post 584997)
..of course having a person around all the time that pisses you off doesnt help that.

:lolleft: Story of my life. :ha:
Forget it, they're everywhere. Learn how to turn your anger inwards. Then you only have to deal with high blood pressure.

blkjack 07-06-2010 11:18 AM

Good Luck man and like everyone said mind over matter I was smoking about a pack to pack and a half a day and quit in febuary cold turkey for like a month and a half took a drag off a cig about two weeks into it tasted like crap n threw it out then at the 1.5 mo i had some crap goin on in my life and like an idiot started again and here we go but it wasnt as bad as I thought it was truly mind over matter just at the time i started again it didnt matter anymore :stupidme: But you can do it best of luck to you and keep up posted :up:

Dr. Evil 07-06-2010 11:26 AM

Ive never smoked so cant offer you any advice. But good luck - I hope you can quit because it really is a disgusting habit.

K50 07-06-2010 01:05 PM

Lift weights every time you get a craving... If you feel anxious, irritated or on edge, grab a couple 30lb'ers and work them for a bit. I've never smoked but I've found exercise is the best replacement for a habit. Good luck and congratulations on making the switch.

Uncle Bubba 07-06-2010 02:17 PM

In my world the craving for a cig never has gone away and i quite over 23 years ago. To this day I always have somethin in my hand fidlin with it, a ballpoint or somethin. If I don't have anything handy I rub my fingers together, pull on clothing, somethin, but my hands always have to stay busy. That's my left overs from it.

The chew is just kind of the buffer to not go back to smoking. At least with chew I'm not killin anybody but myself and i can hold it off when I'm around places that it's not appropriate. With cigs, when I wanted one I had to have one now.

riddick01 07-06-2010 03:27 PM

another good one for u might be jerky chew...its like dip but beef jerky so that u can still have the feeling of havin somethin in ur mouth. i quit dippin a yr ago (i started back up 3 months ago) and i would chew on anything i could get my hands on. but when i quit i also stepped down...went from grizzly lc to pouches to hard snuff to jerky chew

smokeeaterlb7 07-06-2010 10:49 PM

Beginning of day 4 and i am noticing that cravings are getting less and less. I used to wake up and have to get my dose of nicotine ASAP. Woke up this morning and the only reason i was reminded about was from the DB community supporting me and a one friend on facebook giving me some words of encouragement.

As for the habit of having something in my lip as a replacement, I got some seeds, and i will chew jerky up and stuff that in my lip for a about 20 minutes. Between the 2, it works wonders. :tu:

00' Quad Cab 07-06-2010 11:06 PM

Good luck!

I have been chewing for 25 years now,up to 1.5 cans a day, have tried to quit on several occasions but always limp my way back to it.:argh:

Have tried everything imaginable, you name I have tried it, the one that worked the longest was cold turkey and it won't be long before I try it again.

It may be rude but I think it would be easier to walk away from my wife than it would be to quit.:se:

NadirPoint 07-07-2010 07:09 AM

Nicotine is oe of the mose intensely addicting substances on the planet. Some studies have shown it is even more addictive than heroin. Tobbaco companies figured this out a long time ago and have been making billions of dollars on it.

ironhead79 07-07-2010 06:56 PM

:c:been smoking about 27yrs. at one point 3packs a day. Now about 1 1/2 a day. but i'm still trying for none. My better half HATES me when i try cold turkey! GOOD LUCK TO ALL!!

zwhite97 07-07-2010 07:38 PM

I've been dipping for over 30 years and I've quit before cold turkey. I believe it's the best way to do it and you have to put your mind to it and stick it out. Remember this, the cravings last only 3 minutes. Those 3 minutes are hell though, I know. I have a dip in my mouth from right after breakfast to right before I go to sleep every night. My dad quit back in '90 and I gave him my word I would quit too. I've made up my mind that in about 8-9 months when I get my new Mega Cab, I'm going to quit for good this time. Good luck to you, you can do it. One thing I noticed when I quit for an 8 month stretch was I gained 30 pounds in one month. Everything sure tastes better when you're off the snuff. It does help to have support also.

smokeeaterlb7 05-29-2011 11:28 PM

Well, for sake of reviving an old thread, I am once again thinking of how dumb this dipping shit is. Between this and alcohol, I am killing myself. I love my beer, but the feeling like shit the next day isn't worth the feeling of being messed up. Kinda feels like I am so reckless that I am eventually gonna hurt myself or others. I want to quit dipping, and have been exploring alternative solutions. Think I am gonna give the herbal snuff a shot. I keep thinking that it's not as much of a nicotine addiction, as much as it is a habit of having a dip in my lip. As for the drinking, I am gonna slow down, limit my drinking days to once or twice a week. That's a whole other story and battle of my own. Wish me luck..... AGAIN. I am sure as hell gonna need it

H.R.D 05-29-2011 11:37 PM

I have had good success with herbal snuff called smokey mountain. It is 100% natural with ginsing, clover and other stuff in it. My biggest problem was going through the motions of spitting and having something in my lip. There is also the shredded jerky in a can that a buddy of mine used with great success. Best of luck to you my friend it is freaking tough.:tu:

redneckpipeliner 05-29-2011 11:48 PM

I had a slight problem with chew, 2+ cans a day of skoal wglc, woke up with it still in my mouth, chewed while eating, drinking, sleeping, sex, work, everywhere. I used to have to change my pillow daily because I would turn it brown every night. I never didnt have it in my mouth. I didnt spit either, I also chewed the spent chew when it was time for another dip. Dit that for 5 years. Quite cold turkey, 2 years later, CIGARS!!! And not them girly fruity flavored cigars, vanilla, peach, chocolate, real cigars, MX2 double maduro's.

DanLowe 05-31-2011 10:10 PM

Next time you go to an accident and use a shovel to scrape a drunk off the pavement, take a picture and keep it in your wallet...it'll be a good reminder.

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