Diesel Bombers

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CHenry 04-10-2007 10:44 AM

Theres a huge demand for Radiologist and you can write your own ticket. Anything in the medical field is steady and will continue to grow as the population grows. My sister got a nursing degree a few years back, she has offers all the time from competing hospitols with signing bonuses like $15k or $20k. She works alot of holidays but her hourly wage on a holiday is close to 50 bucks an hour.
There will always be sick or injured people to care for.
See, thats like body work right there.

Johnny Cetane 04-10-2007 11:06 AM

yah. i got into this miserable business cuz i tried to turn a hobby into a career. there's never been anything that i've took to like i have trucks. that's been a big issue too, just letting go and trying to find interest in something else. i don't want to just start doing a job to do a job. afraid i'll just burn out in a year or two unless i'm doing something i want to do. i do like helping ppl tho and i genuinely care for most ppl's welfare. the radiology thing does sound interesting. found a couple schools here that do night courses for it since u posted about it. also heard a respiratory therapist looks promising or career choices too. i keep forgetting about my tendonitis too. got it in both arms. sometimes it's almost impossible to hold a bottle of water or cup of coffee so i think i'll officially rule autobody out now. don't think a d/a's gonna help that out at all now that i think about it.

CHenry 04-10-2007 11:12 AM

Originally Posted by johnnychimpo (Post 11826)
i keep forgetting about my tendonitis too. got it in both arms.

Thats a bummer...i had it in my right elbow last year, got it cleared up and got it in my left elbow. Both are back to normal now but it is funny how it hurts so much to pick up a coffee cup.

Johnny Cetane 04-10-2007 11:29 AM

yah not to mention my fingers get tingly alot or just go numb depending on how my elbow is bent or if it's sitting on something just right and having pressure applied to it. i know it isn't anything compared to wut a lot of ppl deal with in life but it still sucks. especially when i make my money with my hands.

CHenry 04-10-2007 11:31 AM

I don't know where you live but if you wan in OK, i could turn you onto a good job in highway design. CADD...we have a training program and entry level requires only some college level math courses. Beginning pay starts out around. 30k year i think...maybe a little less.

CHenry 04-10-2007 11:34 AM

get you a couple of these ....they help ALOT!

Johnny Cetane 04-10-2007 11:37 AM

i'm in MN. appreciate the offer. my cousin's a CAD person. started off doing drawings now he's president of a medium sized construction co. he's been after me to head down that road. i'd have a lot of catch up with math. don't even remember basic algebra. but this is good. some real good input here so far.

Johnny Cetane 04-10-2007 11:38 AM

Originally Posted by CHenry (Post 11834)
get you a couple of these ....they help ALOT!

really? i'll check into them clay. thanks!

CHenry 04-10-2007 12:20 PM

Originally Posted by johnnychimpo (Post 11836)
i'm in MN.

My wifes from there...i hope she never wants to move back...too friggini cold!

Johnny Cetane 04-10-2007 12:24 PM

tell me about it. april and highs are still in the 30's!! :se: and it's supposed to snow tonight and tomorrow. i wish i could go back in time 25 yrs and blow the motor up in my dad's truck the day b4 we left florida!!

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