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BDPowerDave 03-17-2008 10:03 AM

Originally Posted by LOGANSTANFORTH (Post 133249)
you know if you just layed in a tanning bed once in the early morning and once in the evening for about 10 minutes each, use a good bronzer and you should be good and tanned in a few days, if you skin already has a good tan and is even it will just darken it up, my mom has a a tanning bed at the hair salon she owns, she has all the expensive tanning lotion and creams and all that crap, i just get burned and it turns brown over night, my arms and neck are a deep brown within 2 weeks of summer starting, ill probably be black when i get back from iraq......

You drive a cummins and use a tannng bed Logan? :poak:

LOGANSTANFORTH 03-17-2008 10:25 AM

nope, only used it once when i was sick and needed some heat, i go outside and work to get good and burnt so i brown up......

BDPowerDave 03-17-2008 10:32 AM

Originally Posted by LOGANSTANFORTH (Post 133656)
nope, only used it once when i was sick and needed some heat, i go outside and work to get good and burnt so i brown up......

Good answer... I admit I have been in once, fell alseep right away, very relaxing! LOL

dmaxjenn 03-27-2008 10:03 AM

Bia howd it go?

OneBadBia 03-27-2008 03:52 PM

I ended up not going to that shoot because they guy was kinda weird. Some photograpers dont like you taking escorts with you so I told him in advance that I would be taking one...his reply "well I dont want a escort there at the Waco shoot but the following weekend in Plano you can have one." WTF good is that gonna do me if hes a perv lol. I have a few other things lined up but the month of April is really busy for me with my b-day and what seems like a thousand other things I have to do on the weekends.

But we did have a new tanning salon in town I think Im going to try out. A friend of mine just started tanning there and one freakin month is $120 so Im going wait till she decides if she likes it or not.

dmaxjenn 03-27-2008 04:14 PM

well thats good you dont want to be shot by a wacko, for sure. Im going to have to watch with lexi too they want to shoot her this sat. should be intresting. any advice?
her first one.. they said bright clothing, so ill find something that stands out...
as for the tanning salons,, think about it , it couldnt be good for your skin, look at what i the sun does....... your in texas wait for the sun, it ll be out soon enough........btw,, its snowing here right now......lol

OneBadBia 03-27-2008 05:12 PM

hahah its a little over 80 here today. I would just tan ouside but I dont like tan lines and well my neighbors are a little to close to tan naked in my back yard lol.

Make sure you sign and read a model release form, most photographers have one or you can search online for you that you like and just take it with you in case. Are you paying for the photo shoot, is it a TFP or TFCD shoot or are you being payed for the shoot? In case you dont know what TFP or TFCD means its basically neither of you (you or photog) are being paid but the photographer will use the shots in his portfolio and you get to pick however many shots to put in her portfolio. TFP stand for "Time For Print" and TFCD stand for "Time For CD" which you either get the photos you choose on cd or actual print.

Here is something to read that is for people new to modeling. I found it very helpfull but it is somewhat guided towards adults or teens. She is a beautiful little girl maybe try to find a agency, they have a list of photographers that they use and will help keep you away from the weirdos.

Random ramblings to newbie Model Mayhem models from someone who donā€™t know Jack | blog.patyuen.com

If you have any more questions just ask!

---AutoMerged DoublePost---

Also I forgot about this site

dmaxjenn 03-27-2008 05:21 PM

snowing there dave?

yea tanning naked is a bit risky less your on the roof.. exciting but risky...not that i would know..:w2:

Its for this company Chicco - Dove c'č un bambino - Prodotti bambini, Articoli infanzia. I really have no idea, im going in blind, not paying anything.. so ill read that newbie modeling link you gave.. she needed for clothing modeling. they just want her size, we will see if she gets a call back after this,,,,,,take it from there i guess... thanks for the info , i will be asking more questions for sure.......:U:

OneBadBia 03-27-2008 05:36 PM

If they havent said anything about pay make sure you atleast get some shots out of it. Make sure and brings things like tissue, more than one outfit, more than one pair of shoes, a fav toy, even some snacks. Have they said how long the shoot will be, some times they last awhile and she might get a little tired or cranky that why I said to bring her fav toy and snack. You could even take some play jewlery she has just incase. Truthfully you never really know what you will need for every single shoot so just go prepared and take extra.

If the shoot is infact a TFP make sure and ask how long it will be until you get your photos, sometimes you could be waiting a few days and sometimes its a month.

Good Luck!

dmaxjenn 03-28-2008 09:01 AM

The shoot goes from 12:30 till 2:30 but its for more then just her.. shes still on my boob so I have the cure for anything with that.. but yea ill bring al the above listed, extra cloths for sure....its tommarow already.... lm thinking a dress, tights, t shirt and day shoes. she has her ears pierced but i think i ll keep the earings out unless they want them in.. and another outfit with pants and a bright shirt....runners. shes so cute , it doesnt matter if shes in her diaper....im sure theyll love her..
Ill do more research today on portfolio, im thinking of makeing one up here I have a few professional photos of when she was little, i can get together but they change so fast i dont know if i need to though..

OneBadBia 03-28-2008 02:33 PM

If you are thinking of talking to a agency they really dont need to be professional photos from what I have been told by photographers and models. The agency would actually rather them be taken on a $2 disposable camera that way they know you didnt go in a photoshop the picture to make her look better than she really does( even though you wouldnt need to). It wouldnt hurt though to have a few pro photos of her though like a close face shot a side view shot and full body shot. If you find a agency they will usually give you a list of photographers they recomned for her portfolio.

Just what ever you do DO NOT fall for one of those "we will teach you how to model" BS scams.

Oh and try to stay out of the way of the photographer unless he is really doing something that up sets you. If your constantly telling him "she looks better like this" or "you should pose her like this" you can usually expect them to not call you again.

I'm on a website/forum which is where I find most people and even paying jobs. Maybe try to see if you can find a web site like that for children and you should be able to find paying jobs and even TFP in your area. If you want I can even post up on the forum im on and ask if anyone knows of a good agency in you area..let me know if you want me to.

dmaxjenn 03-28-2008 02:56 PM

Sure that would be cool Bia.. I dont want to go physco like logan says but its good to have good advice..
most of are photos are on here. guess i should get busy and do that eh..lol multitasking...today..

OneBadBia 03-28-2008 03:30 PM

Child Modeling

So far all the info I have recieved is you will have the most luck if you are in the vancouver area thats will you will find alot of contacts, photographer ect.

I will let you know when someone give's me a actual name of a agency.

dmaxjenn 03-28-2008 07:04 PM

I went and bought her some cute cloths.. i love walmart.. 3 bucks for a shirt..4.50 for a skirt ,perfect ..outfit for ten bucks..:U: I even bought a spare...lol...got a cd made of her pictures. done.....it will be tommarow afternoon so ill see ya on monday...let you all know how she did.. hope it doesnt snow.....

DB Admin 03-29-2008 11:19 PM


Suntanning is for the Young Ladies :)

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