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94Matt 02-20-2009 11:04 AM

Originally Posted by Ramprat (Post 291457)
Why is it a good thing we do not honor our neighbors permits, we honor there drivers licenses & driving is a privilege & not a right guaranteed by the 2nd amendment.

Just like Wyoming, you need to be a resident of Colorado to be issued a permit from Colorado.

Just wait till open carry becomes illegal out in the Mountains...........

I think Colorado is too lax about drugs, and if this is one way we can differentiate our state from them then so be it. I guess I don't see it as an infringement on our rights, more as us putting our foot down against questionable Coloradans carrying concealed weapons in our state.

Ramprat 02-20-2009 11:06 PM

Originally Posted by 94Matt (Post 291527)
I think Colorado is too lax about drugs, and if this is one way we can differentiate our state from them then so be it. I guess I don't see it as an infringement on our rights, more as us putting our foot down against questionable Coloradans carrying concealed weapons in our state.

So it's fine to take away a Wyoming citizens right to carry in Colorado?

How is that not infringing on my rights...........

You never answered my question about the Dr, or the drunk drivers.

Take a look at how many Drunk Drivers Wyoming has and how lax they are on them. Maybe Colorado, Neb, UT, Montana should all stop honoring WY drivers licenses due to Wyoming having so many drunks drive...........

SmokinPiney 02-21-2009 08:09 AM

I have a Non-Resident Florida concealed carry permit. Funny thing is, i live in jersey and the permit is honored is i believe 29 other states. Guess Wy is off the list now :ouch:.

Don't ask me why FL offers a Non-Res permit but i jumped at the chance to get it. I can't even carry in my home state.

94Matt 02-21-2009 12:57 PM

Originally Posted by Ramprat (Post 291852)
So it's fine to take away a Wyoming citizens right to carry in Colorado?

How is that not infringing on my rights...........

You never answered my question about the Dr, or the drunk drivers.

Take a look at how many Drunk Drivers Wyoming has and how lax they are on them. Maybe Colorado, Neb, UT, Montana should all stop honoring WY drivers licenses due to Wyoming having so many drunks drive...........

I did not answer your question about the doctor or drunk drivers because I don't want to play the game of comparing apples and oranges. My opinion, as a Wyoming resident with several guns, is that this is not an entirely bad bill. Yeah, that sucks we can't go to other states with concealed guns, but the plus side is they can't come here and do it either. I don't trust Colorado's ability to make sure they're not giving permits out to idiots that want to come up here and play rambo because they have a cc permit. What's wrong with my viewpoint?

As far as taking away your right to carry in other states, I see your point, but counter with you can always move to a different state with laws that you like better. I think this bill is about protecting Wyoming, and I support protecting Wyoming rather I support this bill or not, which I honestly don't know if I do or not but I am enjoying hearing your side of this.

dieseldude03 02-21-2009 01:04 PM

Cool. I'm from Ohio so looks ike I'm still good to go when we head out to Wyoming this summer (i hope). Illinois is another story though.:argh:

Ramprat 02-21-2009 11:29 PM

Apparently enough Wyoming residents feel this is a bad law/ruling as things have changed a tad & it goes to show that Wyoming legislatures and the Governor listen to the people that elect them...........

The original ruling no longer applies and has been tabled:

By statute, Wyoming honors concealed carry permits from other states that have laws similar to Wyoming’s. The Wyoming Attorney General’s Office is undertaking a thorough review of the concealed carry statutes of the 49 other states to determine which states have laws similar to Wyoming’s. Once that review is complete, this website will feature a list of the states from which Wyoming will honor concealed carry permits. Until then, the Division of Criminal Investigation will honor permits from those states with which Wyoming had reciprocity as of January 1, 2009.

Accordingly, Wyoming will continue to recognize concealed firearm permits from the following states. The listing also encompasses those states that have indicated they honor Wyoming permits.

Alaska Louisiana Oklahoma
Alabama Michigan Pennsylvania
Colorado Mississippi South Carolina
Florida Montana South Dakota
Georgia New Hampshire Tennessee
Idaho New Mexico Texas
Indiana Ohio Utah

Concealed Weapons Permit

94Matt 02-22-2009 11:46 AM

Would it be better or worse if the feds outlined the requirements for issuing a cc permit so that all states were on the same level? Seems like having the federal boys involved could be scary, but how else can you get all 50 states on the same page?

In Wyoming, we have the most accessible representatives than any other state. I have no doubt that residents have been emailing or calling their reps about this issue, and that their wishes are being looked after. That's how it should be and it makes me proud to live here.

Ramprat 02-22-2009 04:38 PM

Originally Posted by 94Matt (Post 292709)
Would it be better or worse if the feds outlined the requirements for issuing a cc permit so that all states were on the same level? Seems like having the federal boys involved could be scary, but how else can you get all 50 states on the same page?

Ahh, the loaded question......

Personally I don't want/see any kind of a need for a national permit according to the 2nd Amendment. Anybody should be able to carry concealed any time they wish if they want. America should be more like Vermont, but is that really possible????

However, the double edged sword comes into play here and I also think some kind of common sense rules/training need to be in place.

There is not a national drivers license and driving is a privilege, every state honors another states drivers license, why would we need a federal permit for something that is a American right.....

Originally Posted by 94Matt (Post 292709)
In Wyoming, we have the most accessible representatives than any other state. I have no doubt that residents have been emailing or calling their reps about this issue, and that their wishes are being looked after. That's how it should be and it makes me proud to live here.

I've written & sent e-mails, but have only received a single reply and it was not from somebody in my district who I voted for. Neither of the people in my district who I voted for have replied and neither has the Governor.......

---AutoMerged DoublePost---

Wyoming Tribune Eagle Online : Watch what you're packing in other states

Leave comments if you so desire :U::U::U:

MotorOilMcCall 02-22-2009 05:44 PM

First off, Driving isn't a right in the Bill of rights partly because it wasn't even thought of when the BOR was written, cars didn't appear for 130 years...

Second, watch how you interpret the 2nd amendment... Do you even know it off the top of your head? Because it is not simply, "The right to bear arms."

Third, owning a firearm is not a right, its a privilege, ask any felon... You could argue they lost that right, but you can lose your Drivers license too, so whats the difference?

The feds shouldn't have the right to do half of what they do, let alone issue federal CCW permits. The problem with the states having the rights is that they all bicker and whine and moan that each other are too strict, not strict enough, or just plain wrong.

Here in NY, nobody can bring in a pistol unless they have a NY CCW Permit, because they have NO reciprocity with anyone. Not just that, but a NY CCW is only good in 3 states (that might have changed to none). So what do I do? Get a NY CCW and only carry when I'm in the state? I'm kinda screwed (they took my pistol permit since I don't have a pistol listed on it currently and my county is anti-gun, and its now nearly impossible to get an unrestricted Pistol Permit in my county). Now I COULD hassle with getting a FL pistol permit through the mail, but I'd have to get re-finger printed, have another background check, and wait again... What the hell is the problem with letting me pass with my NY License?

I'm with you in one respect, states should honor each others Pistol Permits. CCW is a little different. If you can't get a CCW in your hometown, the question is why? Now, some places like around me its because the gov't is anti-gun, but in other places its because they don't trust you, and I don't want those guys coming to my town with a concealed weapon, legally or not...

Ramprat 02-22-2009 06:56 PM

MotorOilMcCall you be wrong an many levels.

Driving is not a right as it's not in the Bill of Rights, now if you or anybody else wants to make it a right and have a amendment added to the Bill of Rights driving will then become a right instead of a privilege.

I am not a Constitutional scholar, but have read many opinions from them, can you say the same?

Amendment II

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.
This is from LII: Constitution

Nowhere does it say if you are a criminal, crook, lawyer or big mouth do you loose the right to arm bears :tttt:

Seriously, while I thing there should be limits and laws about firearms, show me one crook that obeys the firearms laws, show me one crook that has shot somebody using a illegal gun, make a trip to the state pen and you will find all kinds of people who are innocent and are all for gun control. Thus they can get out and commit crimes knowing they have guns since they do not listen or obey the laws they know you are unarmed.....

Do some research into gun control laws, where they stem from in America and why they were enacted in the 1st place.

I'll give you a hint, google "jim crow" and see what ya learn.

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