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cashwheel 05-12-2009 10:39 PM

Letter to the Diesel Community
This was written and posted by a member on another board, thought everyone should read it, and pass it on. Pretty much sums up what I hope most of us are thinking, and maybe it will open the eyes of some of the newer guys to our sport.



First and foremost I would like to say thank you to the thousands of Racers, pullers and fans that showed up at last weeks TS Performance Event. While the racing event was canceled due to several factors, including torrential downpours, Severe Thunderstorms, and abhorrent behavior by a few individuals, I still see it as a success. The events bring those of us that love this sport together for friendship, comradary, and competition. I saw old friends, and made new.

To the city of Bowling Green, KY, the owners of Beach Bend Race track and campgrounds, I offer an apology. While I did not partake in the Destruction of property, the absolute disregard for public safety or decency, and the childish and foolish act of blowing diesel exhaust at every opportunity, I will apologize for those that did, because they are too cowardly and ignorant to do so themselves. You did not see the best of our group. What you did not see are the responsible individuals that take our sport to the proper venue, the race and or pulling track, to participate in a controlled and safe environment. You did not see the individuals behind the scenes trying to educate the masses that this behavior is not only looked down upon, but a detriment to all that we are about. You did not see the thousands of hours, and the hundreds of thousands of dollars that were spent preparing vehicles, products and events for all to enjoy. I promise you, you did not see the racers and the fans that I have become associated with. The saying; "a few bad apples spoils the bunch" surely applies, and for those bad apples I apologize. I also give you my word, that given the opportunity in your community I will do everything in my power to right the wrongs of a few, and
prevent a repeat occurrence in the future.

To Dennis and Sheila Perry, and the entire crew of TS performance. Thank you. Thank you for your tireless effort over the last 8 years. Thank you for spending your time and your money to give us an event that so many plan their schedules around. Thank you for doing your absolute best with the absolute worst conditions. Contingency planning could never make up for the childish acts of the few that ruined this great event. I only hope that this single disgraceful outcome does not make you rethink it for the future. You guys are a class act.

To the few that destroyed this event. YOU OWE. You owe the people of Bowling green an apology, and a commitment to not return. You owe the fans their fun back. You owe the racers, the crews, and the track, hundreds and thousands of dollars that it took to get these trucks to the track, race ready, and in good shape. You owe the thousands of people that busted their humps, the late nights they spent away from their families. The sleep they lost, and the sweat, blood and tears they gave to put on a show for you with no chance to recoup any of it. You stole the respect of the diesel community, you stole from every fan that planned their vacation, their budget, and their time to attend the super bowl of diesel motorsports. You owe TS more than you can ever repay, and more than I have time to type. You owe it to each and every one of us to buy a Honda. Crawl back to wherever you came from, and stay away from this sport. You are a cancer. Your actions have not only damaged this event, but every event from here on. Every track owner, City and town will hear of this, and will think twice before opening their facilities and towns to us. You have done irreparable damage. Go away.

To my friends and competitors. I will see you at the track.

stkdram55 05-12-2009 10:48 PM

Me being there i have to say that is about right on, whoever wrote that should actually send it to bowling green, Beech Bend and the guys at TS...hopefully they will be an event there next year...its gonna be policed hard because of these idiots....

angelic0- 05-12-2009 10:51 PM

Good read... did they catch those assholes?

cashwheel 05-13-2009 06:00 PM

As I understand it, the author is working to get that letter in the BG newspaper, and send a copy to Beach Bend and the crew from TS has seen it. Everybody feel free to pass this around, thats what I was told to do and figured you guys would like it as much as I did.

K50 05-14-2009 10:01 AM

'scuse me for not knowing, but what happened?? Based on that letter it sounds pretty bad. :humm:

cashwheel 05-14-2009 11:35 AM

do a search for TS 09, there's way to much to post hear..

K50 05-14-2009 11:44 AM


dozerboy 05-16-2009 11:06 PM

Got a link I didn't find nothing?

ETXBlueRam 05-17-2009 04:35 AM

Originally Posted by dozerboy (Post 338607)
Got a link I didn't find nothing?

Here ya go.


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