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LOGANSTANFORTH 12-18-2007 09:41 AM

i dont really know, i live down on the south side and the one in lakeland is way up on the north side so i dont go up there much, i would say they got alot of cattle stuff though cause there are HUGE cattle farms just north of town on 98......

2001shrtbedcummins 12-18-2007 09:50 AM

Yea probably. The reason it pisses me off is because eventhough we have a lot of horses around here, there are still a lot of people with cattle around here. With the dry weather we've been having hay is high as a cat's back in a thunder storm and she won't carry the protein tub for a substitute.

solarwarp 12-18-2007 10:27 AM

Permethrin kills anything that moves in site... earthworms, honey bees, spiders, lady bugs (the good insects) plus be careful around small dogs and cats, too.

dmaxjenn 12-18-2007 10:49 AM

Yupe ...............Permethrin is the base product in most Raids, flea meds and insecticides..
Cant spray any where near the water. It'll contaminate it. :puke:

"Solorwarp" you sound like your have your IPM ticket. ( Integrated Pest Management)
I took it a couple years go when i had a nursery.....

Also theres a new cancer linked to Pesticides. alot of Farmers are getting it.

it not only kills bugs but Humans too.

solarwarp 12-18-2007 12:46 PM

Nope, just an amateur gardener that doesn't mind eating slightly blemished fruits and vegetables. (Meaning grown without too much pesticides.)

Some use of pesticides can't really be avoided otherwise you won't have any vegetables for yourself. For many garden pests, there are non-poisonous alternatives.

dmaxjenn 12-18-2007 12:58 PM

uh huh i agree.. We never used the insecticides in our nursary.. dish soap and water works great too. cheese cloth for those ground bugs...... I lost puppy sue to flea killer Advantage.. 9 week old chi.. momma had it on her. he licked her. or licked babys mouth.

The thing is with the Organic gardners though is most there neighbours use Insecticides.. So theyre not really pesticide free...... just cost more.
Isnt there a saying always plant three seeds. one for you, one for the birds and one to go back to the earth......

solarwarp 12-18-2007 01:12 PM

I like the 3 seed antidote. :U:

LOGANSTANFORTH 12-18-2007 06:26 PM

those bugs really hate the stuff, i killed a bunch of them earlier in the house, i sprayed the counter tops, the stove, around all the cabinets.......

solarwarp 12-18-2007 06:41 PM

Get em under control... but look around for reasons you think you might have to have so many of them. Caulk up holes, direct water away from the house, keep areas dry, seal up food, etc.

If it's just palmetto bugs, well sorry but you probably just pissed off the first wave.

LOGANSTANFORTH 12-18-2007 07:03 PM

im getting boric acid and doing everything in the house plus the premethrin, there isnt much you can do down here, bugs will get in, ive seen bugs in brand new houses.....my house is an older double wide....

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