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Wyatt Earp 10-30-2007 10:59 AM

Seems oil companies are all the same regardless of where they are based in this world.

Whit 10-30-2007 11:32 AM

This shortage of fuel (oil ) in China is scarry to me.....the country is growing at such an alarming rate that they are creating a huge demand and they just cant support that kinna demand.....................I know here in Wyoming its hard to get concrete from the ready mix companies because they just cant get the cememnt for the mix............its all going to China

Its alarming as to how rapid the growth is down there......I dont see how it could continue at this rate but I remember saying that a year or so ago too

Wyatt Earp 10-30-2007 11:55 AM

Your redi mix companies are giving you a load there my friend. heidelberg cement, one of the largest, if not the largest Cement company in the world is doing very well supplying mix to the job sites in western canada and there has not been any shortage for the last 4 years and no shortage to come in the next 4.

Whit 10-30-2007 12:02 PM

I used to be a concrete contractor and poured about 4000 yards per year..........I know the owners of these companies up here and cement is in tight supply.................I am sure they could get it elsewhere but too much money to get it here .....making the price per yard to a point of no return

you may have something though.....create a shortage to inflate the cost :argh:

Wyatt Earp 10-30-2007 12:05 PM

4000 yards per year? Geez I would have expected more. I'm doing 1200 yards just in this current foundation. Add the precast mix, and curbing, planters and the rest of it and it will be around 1700 I figure.

Most of my jobs are around that size.

Whit 10-30-2007 12:20 PM

what can I say...............4k yards aint bad for part time.....I still did my 7 on 7 off at the gas plant

I wish I had gone full time with that show instead of the gas plant wrenchin

I cant change now its too late in the game........my plans are set now anyway

Whit 10-31-2007 04:39 PM

BEIJING/SHANGHAI (Reuters) - China's worst fuel crisis in two years spread to the capital and other inland areas by Wednesday, and one man was killed in a brawl at a petrol station queue, upping pressure on the government to intervene.

Diesel shortages in China's political heart, which escaped previous supply crunches unscathed, highlight tensions between the government and its increasingly independent oil firms about who should pay for the country's generous fuel subsidies.

Top refiner Sinopec on Wednesday pledged more supplies and bought additional diesel fuel abroad, but it may fall to Beijing to end the stand-off by raising domestic prices, easing taxes, promising another year-end pay-off -- or simply strong-arming suppliers into selling more fuel at a loss.

"Sinopec will work hard to resolve the diesel supply tightness," a headline in the company paper announced. Even so, at least five of its Beijing stations were rationing supplies.

At stake are profits for oil majors Sinopec and PetroChina from selling motor fuel in the world's second-largest consumer, where pump prices have not been raised in 17 months even as crude costs hit a series of record highs.

In scenes reminiscent of the weeks-long shortages in summer 2005, also caused by the yawning gap between domestic prices and global crude costs, petrol stations across the country were turning away trucks and rationing supplies.

After striking the southeastern coastal provinces and the financial hub of Shanghai, they are now hitting the interior, managers and local media say.

In Hefei, the capital of eastern Anhui province, independent suppliers had almost all run out of diesel and several controlled by the oil majors were rationing supplies, station workers said.

"We don't have diesel today. Supply has been quite spotty. Long lines in front of gas stations are very common these days in Hefei," a manager surnamed Yang told Reuters by telephone.

A man was killed in fuel-strapped Henan during a brawl over queue jumping at a service station, police said. Parts of Hunan and Hubei provinces also face shortages, media reports said.


Beijing worries that more costly energy could push up already-high inflation or spark unrest, and effectively forces its refiners and retailers to subsidize state-set prices.

Diesel costs about 64 cents a liter at the pump in Beijing, versus around $1 in Singapore and $2 in Britain.

But a recent rally in global crude prices to above $90 a barrel has deepened large firms' losses and made them ever more reluctant to keep markets supplied./

Wyatt Earp 10-31-2007 06:06 PM

Market is almost always better until GREED takes over.

Whit 10-31-2007 07:12 PM

IMHO............1-1/2 -2 years we are gonna be in a recession

just me though

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