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KuNtRy BoY 09-11-2010 09:46 AM

If u want a specific duty station, make sure its in ur contract too. Learned that the hard way, just cause they say it doesnt mean squat.:tu:

NadirPoint 09-11-2010 10:18 AM

If you do it make sure you do it for the right reasons. Nobody gets rich in/from the military and there's alot of personal sacrifices to go along with it for family, etc.

But with the right mindset and motivation it can be a very rewarding experience and even a career if things go well for you.

FordDZLMan9191 09-11-2010 10:35 AM

Originally Posted by NadirPoint (Post 619172)
If you do it make sure you do it for the right reasons. Nobody gets rich in/from the military and there's alot of personal sacrifices to go along with it for family, etc.

But with the right mindset and motivation it can be a very rewarding experience and even a career if things go well for you.

I know I'm not going to get rich and I'm aware of the sacrifices, and before I make my decision I'll sit down with the family a discuss it.

Is there a way to find out what stations have the MOS I'm looking for? On the site I was getting my info off(goarmy.com) it said that the post you go to is determined by your MOS among other things.

---AutoMerged DoublePost---

To add to the first part of my statement, I know I'm not going to get anywhere if I stay here. I'm told that bing in the service can actually be a lot of fun.

ilikeitdirtymax 09-11-2010 11:17 AM

hey man im 21 and i just got out too. i joined when i was 17 an was in Ramadi by 18. i did 2 15 month tours and i aint gona lie it was the coolest realest experienece ive ever had. my MOS was 11B(Infantry) which means that you WILLL deploy no ifs ands or buts. also check into how easy it is to get rank in each job, i believe there are welders in the army but ive never seen it. i was stationed in Germany Kentucky and Georgia. check what badass schools you want it any too cuz think about it why would the army send a welder to Ranger school, as oppose to me being infantry ranger just goes together like peas an carrots. there really isnt anything goin on to worry about, not saying its not dangerous cuz it is im just sayin. im a 21 yr old Ranger Sniper Air Assault Airborne badass with 2 tours multiple awards medals and the worst part was just bein away. that was the hardest part to me, its ALL mental man. your mind breaks before your body, dont forget that. RANGER!!!!!!!!

Deezel Stink3r 09-11-2010 12:04 PM

Nothing the recruiter is telling you notwritten down on paper and handed to you will happen! This is important!

You may won't get rich- but you will be able to see a bit of the world for free.

It is a lifetime experience and you will have fun- just stay away from people with a bad attitude. S... stays with s... !

This job is challenging. It can be dangerous, relationships will be ruined.
Been all there, have done all that, enjoyed every minute.

Would I do it again?
No, If you are educated and not the lazy type, you can make your money in every way you want. Maybe you see it as a start into a better education- then go for it!
This job lives with your inner attitude. People will respect you- enemys and Talibans will hate you- go your own way!
If you want to get educated than choose a branch you can use as a civilan. Combat Infantry is not a very often needed skill. The world does not need snipers- they need well trained mechanics and people being able to lead.
Just my 2 cents...:c:

NadirPoint 09-11-2010 12:09 PM

Originally Posted by FordDZLMan9191 (Post 619178)
...it said that the post you go to is determined by your MOS among other things.

Can't say for sure, prolly somewhere along the Helmand river, west of Kandahar. :w2:

smokeeaterlb7 09-11-2010 01:07 PM

FOr the duty station placement... It does depend on your MOS and the reason that is, not all bases have every job in the military. For me, I can go to Colorado, Missouri, Georgia, Texas, Kentucky and New York and actually do my job. If I were to go OCONUS then i would be making sure the rocks get an even tan on both sides.

Deezel said it right, "SH^% stays with SH^&". My battalion knows my company because of the amount of hot urinalysis that we get every month, and I am NOT one of them.

I say go for it. Get your butt down there and talk to a recruiter ASAP. Don't have to sign any papers, but def go talk to him, see what he has to offer. Its a lot like buying a truck, you arent jsut gonna buy a truck sight unseen, dont sign up with out a lot of information. You will have a sense of pride the moment you know your are going. And its a great feeling knowing that you are doing what most will not.

ANd also, talk to you family about this before you go. I never thought my parents would support the fact that i was leaving for so long, but they are PROUD, very proud of me. You will find out who your true friends are back home, they will be the ones that stay in contact with thru the thick and thin. but on the same hand, dont forget about them.

PREDATOR 09-11-2010 01:12 PM

Another thing, my wife is completing her Masters degree all 100% tuition paid, though she's a fast burner and has sacrificed a lot for that piece of paper. But it is avaliable! :rocking:

FordDZLMan9191 09-11-2010 01:29 PM

Originally Posted by smokeeaterlb7 (Post 619231)
If I were to go OCONUS then i would be making sure the rocks get an even tan on both sides.


My sister has to go down to Idaho Falls, the city that has the recruiting station, so I'll see if I can tag along and we can go in and talk to him. She'll have some ideas and questions that I won't even think of being she's an Army ex-wife.

smokeeaterlb7 09-11-2010 01:46 PM

Originally Posted by FordDZLMan9191 (Post 619240)

My sister has to go down to Idaho Falls, the city that has the recruiting station, so I'll see if I can tag along and we can go in and talk to him. She'll have some ideas and questions that I won't even think of being she's an Army ex-wife.

Outsid of the CONtinental United States. And not a in a combat zone. places like germany, Hawaii, Korea, etc

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