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-   -   need ideas to help fight a ticket (https://www.dieselbombers.com/bomb-shelter/57539-need-ideas-help-fight-ticket.html)

riddick01 08-27-2010 11:00 AM

need ideas to help fight a ticket
Well yall I got a ticket for excessive smoke in pearland tx and was lookin for ideas as to how to fight it. Anything will help...



gijohn45 08-27-2010 12:55 PM

if its anything like here in utah then your not going to be able to fight it... the office sited you for it and all you can do is go to court plead not guilty and hope the officer doesn't show up for the hearing in which case they will dismiss the ticket...

Here in utah they send you to a testing center and they look your truck over and if they see mods you pay the fine...

jrad989 08-27-2010 01:11 PM

"uhhhh I didn't know". 60% of the time that works every time.

brindle_bull 08-27-2010 01:22 PM

im with gijohn go to court and hope the officer doesnt show up...but if you plead "not" guilty that means you can exercise your right to a fair trial in which the judge will have to schedule a jury selection and then schedule a trial session and the officer will have to be present and show some kind of legal proof, in which the judge just might say screw it and throw it out anyways....but if they do give you your trial then you either pay a lawyer or represent yourself with a court appointed one in which if you loose it will get pretty pricey. so all in all i would just stick with hoping the officer doesnt show and if he does then plead no contest and pay the fine in which you are guilty for anyways

tiremann9669 08-27-2010 01:55 PM

If you could detune your truck so it dosn't smoke bad, drive it to court, plead not guilty and explain how your truck had a bad injector and you went right out and had it fixed. If you knew someone who owns a shop and could get them to dummy up an invoice (dated correctly of course) that would probably be helpful. The judge might dismiss it, or at least be lenient in any penalty. :wack:

jumpnjed 08-27-2010 02:01 PM

How much was the ticket? And does that kinda ticket carry any points on your insurance?

riddick01 08-27-2010 02:28 PM

I do actully have a bad injector so I'm goin that route I'm gunna de tune the truck to stock when I go. And its 400 bucks and no points bc the ticket goes to the owner and they can't prove I was driving it kinda like red light cams

Begle1 08-27-2010 02:52 PM

Move to California.

Here's it's a $40-60 fix-it ticket that only becomes legal if you smoke for a period longer than 10 seconds straight. :tttt:

Gerry 08-27-2010 03:41 PM

it amazes me that people can't own up to their actions and are willing to commit a felony and perjure themselves to save a few bucks...

tiremann9669 08-27-2010 03:47 PM

I'm not saying it hasn't happened, but I've never heard of anyone in NY getting a ticket for smoke. Cops here are to bust tryin to bust you for not wearin your seat belt. Free Country:humm:

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Originally Posted by Gerry (Post 612204)
it amazes me that people can't own up to their actions and are willing to commit a felony and perjure themselves to save a few bucks...

I'll do what I can to save a buck, because I don't have a money tree in the yard. To each his own :c:

---AutoMerged DoublePost---


Lostnwalmart 08-27-2010 07:42 PM

hire a ninja:w2:

big bad diesel 416 08-27-2010 08:07 PM

thats a good one DM we need a ninja smiley

or from what I have been told hire Danny he has Super Secret Ninja powers :danny:

rednekroper05 08-27-2010 08:32 PM

as far as i knew they could only give a warning it must be a city law. But first how long did you emit smoke for approx.

Racer9 08-27-2010 08:50 PM

[QUOTE=tiremann9669;612205]I'm not saying it hasn't happened, but I've never heard of anyone in NY getting a ticket for smoke. Cops here are to bust tryin to bust you for not wearin your seat belt. QUOTE]

I have. Ever heard of J. R. Collins trucking out of Ohio? They have a fleet of Mack dump trucks, and he was truck pull champion a couple times, with the Buckeye Bulldog. ALL his trucks RUN!!!
He got a smoke ticket in NY. $2500, and the truck was impounded. They flatbedded it out of state, and had to fix it before returning to NY. He now runs propane to clear up the smoke.

tiremann9669 08-27-2010 08:58 PM


Originally Posted by tiremann9669 (Post 612205)
I'm not saying it hasn't happened, but I've never heard of anyone in NY getting a ticket for smoke. Cops here are to bust tryin to bust you for not wearin your seat belt. QUOTE]

I have. Ever heard of J. R. Collins trucking out of Ohio? They have a fleet of Mack dump trucks, and he was truck pull champion a couple times, with the Buckeye Bulldog. ALL his trucks RUN!!!
He got a smoke ticket in NY. $2500, and the truck was impounded. They flatbedded it out of state, and had to fix it before returning to NY. He now runs propane to clear up the smoke.

No kiddin, where did he get the ticket ? Was it at a truck inspection point, or just a pullover ? :c:

busta 08-27-2010 10:36 PM

Originally Posted by tiremann9669 (Post 612205)
I'm not saying it hasn't happened, but I've never heard of anyone in NY getting a ticket for smoke. Cops here are to bust tryin to bust you for not wearin your seat belt. Free Country:humm:

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---AutoMerged DoublePost---


well actually when they are trying to get you to wear your seatbelt they are trying to save your life
I take it you have never been in an accident where the vehicle rolled
I have and it is not fun :ouch:
if I had not had my seat belt on I would have been thrown from my truck and either it would have rolled over me or the other vehicles would have run me over

next time you wanna drive without your seat belt on remember this thread https://www.dieselbombers.com/web-si...ers-busta.html

I t can happen to you or anyone on this site and beleive me there was nothing I could have done to avoid the trailer:scare2:

Pyro690 08-27-2010 11:53 PM

Originally Posted by busta (Post 612382)
well actually when they are trying to get you to wear your seatbelt they are trying to save your life
I take it you have never been in an accident where the vehicle rolled
I have and it is not fun :ouch:
if I had not had my seat belt on I would have been thrown from my truck and either it would have rolled over me or the other vehicles would have run me over

next time you wanna drive without your seat belt on remember this thread https://www.dieselbombers.com/web-si...ers-busta.html

I t can happen to you or anyone on this site and beleive me there was nothing I could have done to avoid the trailer:scare2:

About the seat belt crap(way off topic). If I would have been wearing mine when I rolled my Camaro in 02, I wouldn't be here now. MnDOT posted their accident numbers 4 years ago in the Minneapolis Star Trib. and it was only 4% better odds if you wore a seat belt. It should be the person's choice if they want to wear them, and also their choice if they want to belch "excessive" smoke.
It probably wasn't even excessive, more likely just a cop wanting to give a ticket for something. :c:

Begle1 08-28-2010 09:26 AM

Why should emitting excessive smoke be a choice? It occurs through modification of the engine to emit higher-than-regulated emissions, the smoke itself is damaging to the human body and it comes with plenty of unseen emissions that are also damaging to the body or the environment, and it's physically an eyesore and possibly a dangerous visual impairment or distraction.

A world where black smoke emissions were unregulated would be a very sooty world.

It should be illegal, there should be factors working to keep us from modifying our vehicles. The factors shouldn't be the federal-level $1,000+ fines, but I have no problem with $100 fix-it tickets being handed out to weed out the irresponsible immature riff-raff and keep it from being too easy.

The same with loud exhaust. It can be very annoying and a world where it was condoned by our governments would be an incredibly noisy world. Fix-it tickets don't keep people from running loud exhaust if they really want to, but it does tend to make them act more responsibly with their loud exhaust and keeps many people on the fence about loud exhaust from going to loud exhaust.

As for seat belts and helmet laws, I don't think they should be around, but in a world where they're already firmly established I don't think they should go anywhere.

gijohn45 08-28-2010 11:23 AM

Originally Posted by Begle1 (Post 612510)
Why should emitting excessive smoke be a choice? It occurs through modification of the engine to emit higher-than-regulated emissions, the smoke itself is damaging to the human body and it comes with plenty of unseen emissions that are also damaging to the body or the environment, and it's physically an eyesore and possibly a dangerous visual impairment or distraction.

A world where black smoke emissions were unregulated would be a very sooty world.

It should be illegal, there should be factors working to keep us from modifying our vehicles. The factors shouldn't be the federal-level $1,000+ fines, but I have no problem with $100 fix-it tickets being handed out to weed out the irresponsible immature riff-raff and keep it from being too easy.

The same with loud exhaust. It can be very annoying and a world where it was condoned by our governments would be an incredibly noisy world. Fix-it tickets don't keep people from running loud exhaust if they really want to, but it does tend to make them act more responsibly with their loud exhaust and keeps many people on the fence about loud exhaust from going to loud exhaust.

As for seat belts and helmet laws, I don't think they should be around, but in a world where they're already firmly established I don't think they should go anywhere.


RSWORDS 08-28-2010 11:44 AM

Originally Posted by brindle_bull (Post 612155)
im with gijohn go to court and hope the officer doesnt show up...but if you plead "not" guilty that means you can exercise your right to a fair trial in which the judge will have to schedule a jury selection and then schedule a trial session and the officer will have to be present and show some kind of legal proof, in which the judge just might say screw it and throw it out anyways....but if they do give you your trial then you either pay a lawyer or represent yourself with a court appointed one in which if you loose it will get pretty pricey. so all in all i would just stick with hoping the officer doesnt show and if he does then plead no contest and pay the fine in which you are guilty for anyways

Not quite, no jury for traffic violations, at least not here in VA.

RSWORDS 08-28-2010 11:47 AM

Originally Posted by busta (Post 612382)
well actually when they are trying to get you to wear your seatbelt they are trying to save your life
I take it you have never been in an accident where the vehicle rolled
I have and it is not fun :ouch:
if I had not had my seat belt on I would have been thrown from my truck and either it would have rolled over me or the other vehicles would have run me over

next time you wanna drive without your seat belt on remember this thread https://www.dieselbombers.com/web-si...ers-busta.html

I t can happen to you or anyone on this site and beleive me there was nothing I could have done to avoid the trailer:scare2:

Being a Firefighter I have cleaned up more people off the road than I care to say, and a seat belt would have saved MANY of them. I always hear the argument about how sometimes a seat belt will kill you and I can say I have NEVER seen this be the case. While I'm sure it has happened, not wearing a seat belt has killed MANY more.

puffsmokeonya 08-28-2010 02:20 PM

tell em your cp3 does not recognize your fca so your pcm was trying to reject it. lol works everytime u get the duh look with umm ok

brindle_bull 08-28-2010 05:08 PM

you may exercise your right to a trial by jury anywhere in the United states and the outlying unless you have previously waived that right

Begle1 08-28-2010 05:43 PM

Originally Posted by brindle_bull (Post 612621)
you may exercise your right to a trial by jury anywhere in the United states and the outlying unless you have previously waived that right

That significantly depends on the state, most have no provisions for trying a civil infraction or even a lesser misdemeanor through a jury.

tiremann9669 08-28-2010 08:25 PM

Originally Posted by busta (Post 612382)
well actually when they are trying to get you to wear your seatbelt they are trying to save your life
I take it you have never been in an accident where the vehicle rolled
I have and it is not fun :ouch:
if I had not had my seat belt on I would have been thrown from my truck and either it would have rolled over me or the other vehicles would have run me over

next time you wanna drive without your seat belt on remember this thread https://www.dieselbombers.com/web-si...ers-busta.html

I t can happen to you or anyone on this site and beleive me there was nothing I could have done to avoid the trailer:scare2:

Well bud I'm glad you had your belt on and you're here with us, But there are also cases where people have lived because they didn't have thier belt on and the post after yours proves that. Car accidents are a terrible thing any way you look at it, I know because I lost a sister to one and she was buckled up. I just think some things should be a choice rather than Mandated by government. :c:

RSWORDS 08-28-2010 09:20 PM

Originally Posted by tiremann9669 (Post 612675)
Well bud I'm glad you had your belt on and you're here with us, But there are also cases where people have lived because they didn't have thier belt on and the post after yours proves that. Car accidents are a terrible thing any way you look at it, I know because I lost a sister to one and she was buckled up. I just think some things should be a choice rather than Mandated by government. :c:

I can honestly say I have never seen a case were not having a seat belt on would have saved someones life, not saying it has never happened (there is an instance in a post above), just that I have never seen it. On the flip side, I have seen MANY instances were wearing a seat belt would have most likely saved a life. If you think that seat belts are not needed and should be a choice you should go join your local Fire Dept and do some accident clean ups. You will see the difference very quickly.

Also to add to that I'll be the first to admit that I don't wear my seat belt as much as I should. Its something I'm working on...

tiremann9669 08-28-2010 09:37 PM

Originally Posted by puffsmokeonya (Post 612583)
tell em your cp3 does not recognize your fca so your pcm was trying to reject it. lol works everytime u get the duh look with umm ok

Just dont say anything about your cat being mia :tttt:

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