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DIESELDENT 06-02-2010 08:09 PM

Ohio speeding tickets by sight
WTF Officer estimates enough for speeding convictions

COLUMBUS: Ohio's highest court has ruled that a person may be convicted of speeding purely if it looked to a police officer that the motorist was going too fast.
Ohio.com - Officer estimates enough for speeding convictions

dustys24valve 06-02-2010 08:20 PM

:WTF: What's next:td:

DB Admin 06-02-2010 08:45 PM

no worries they cant see threw the smoke :choochoo:

jasonfriedlin 06-02-2010 08:54 PM

Its Ohio. Ask any truck driver what they think of that state!! I hate driving thru there in a big truck, Im sure its just as bad in a car. Sorry to rag on your state Chad, but ya know lol

Begle1 06-02-2010 08:56 PM

They've always been able to do that.

People have really weird misconceptions when it comes to traffic infractions. People think that speeding tickets go through court like Law & Order cases...

If a cop writes you a ticket, you have a ticket. The cop doesn't "need" any evidence or proof to write you a ticket, all he needs to do is write you a ticket, at which point you have a ticket. Arguing legality with the cop on the side of the road is irrelevant, because to the cop legality is irrelevant.

Once you get to court, it becomes a question of legality only to the extent that the judge feels like winking at legality at that point. It doesn't need to be proved beyond the shadow of a doubt; you're not being prosecuted, you're not being defended, there's no jury. It's the judge's discretion.

There is no law saying what a judge may or may not enforce a ticket based on. The judge could say that he simply trusts the word of the cop more than your word, and give you a fine with that being his reasoning. Or he could feel like feeding a line of BS about how "police are professionally trained to estimate speed by eye". There's no fairness, justice or truth involved.

"Pleading down" with the district, asking the judge to remove the point off the insurance, or hiring an "attorney" to do those two for you are effective measures... Pretending like your Sam Waterston and arguing the ticket in court Atticus Finch-style based on your understandings of the "holy law" of traffic codes and attempting to cross-examine the officer who wrote the ticket is not effective in the slightest. If you do it well enough you might get some bonus points by accident though.

Dr. Evil 06-02-2010 11:05 PM

YUP. He knows what hes talking about when it comes to this. :tu:

FordDZLMan9191 06-03-2010 03:29 AM

If the cops where I lived were allowed to do that, I'd be in BIG trouble. :scare2: I think its BS though, I did get out of what would have been my first ticket though because the cop didn't clock me. Didn't have insurance on that truck either. Got out that ticket by saying I was on my way to the bank to get money to pay for insurance. I'm so glad that when it comes to minor traffic violations that the cops here are just too lazy to deal with it. The resident state cop is a different story though :dang: pull you over for doing 1 mph over the limit.

97cummins 06-03-2010 04:13 AM

Thats bs:dang:

JKM 06-04-2010 07:33 PM

how is it bs? the speed limit is the speed limit , its posted on signs with great big fuckin letters so everyone can see it..., if you go faster than that , your breaking the law... robbing a bank is robbing a bank even if you only get away with ten bucks....

J-Pipes 06-04-2010 09:20 PM

Yeah, I agree that speeding is speeding, and no matter what it's illegal, but they should have to have actuall concrete evidence, and not just what the officer thinks. I don't see how anyone would be ok with this ruling, but people were going insane last year when they put speeding cameras up in Heath, that area has had the same speed limits as long as I can remember, and they were actually being clocked speeding, not just what somebody thought. I had no problem with the camera's, if you wern't speeding, you were fine, I drove through there all the time, and never got a ticket. So basically, camera's ok, naked eyes not

RSWORDS 06-05-2010 11:55 AM

Originally Posted by Begle1 (Post 567581)
They've always been able to do that.

People have really weird misconceptions when it comes to traffic infractions. People think that speeding tickets go through court like Law & Order cases...

If a cop writes you a ticket, you have a ticket. The cop doesn't "need" any evidence or proof to write you a ticket, all he needs to do is write you a ticket, at which point you have a ticket. Arguing legality with the cop on the side of the road is irrelevant, because to the cop legality is irrelevant.

Once you get to court, it becomes a question of legality only to the extent that the judge feels like winking at legality at that point. It doesn't need to be proved beyond the shadow of a doubt; you're not being prosecuted, you're not being defended, there's no jury. It's the judge's discretion.

There is no law saying what a judge may or may not enforce a ticket based on. The judge could say that he simply trusts the word of the cop more than your word, and give you a fine with that being his reasoning. Or he could feel like feeding a line of BS about how "police are professionally trained to estimate speed by eye". There's no fairness, justice or truth involved.

"Pleading down" with the district, asking the judge to remove the point off the insurance, or hiring an "attorney" to do those two for you are effective measures... Pretending like your Sam Waterston and arguing the ticket in court Atticus Finch-style based on your understandings of the "holy law" of traffic codes and attempting to cross-examine the officer who wrote the ticket is not effective in the slightest. If you do it well enough you might get some bonus points by accident though.

Could not have said it better myself... People have a misconception that real life court is like Law and Order and that cops are like the guys on CSI when trying to find stuff... If Real life was just like TV we would not need TV....

Budgreen 06-05-2010 02:41 PM

isn't traffic court a version of criminal court?

if so it is up to the officer to PROVE beyond a reasonable doubt you were speeding, they brought the charge they have to provide proof.

last ticket I had was for a burned out headlight on a vehicle I borrowed... really it was because I was leaving a bar late and he was hoping I had been drinking :dang: went to traffic court for it and was told I can plead not guilty and go to trial, plead guilty and pay the $100 fine, or plead no contest and be found guilty.

I am considering taking a video camera etc. to that court since if you plead no contest you admit guilt but there was an extenuating circumstance which you explain and then the judge decides if you are guilty or not. thats the laws anyways but I guess impartial judges get to decide what parts THEY can follow or not.

like me.. borrowed the car and went to the bar when it was light out left after dark and then found it had a bad headlight.

Gerry 06-05-2010 03:00 PM


Here is the deal with speed estimation...

Yes an officer can write you a ticket for speeding if he is certified in speed estimation. (goes to a class and passes a test that includes a specified number of vehicle speeds estimated correctly).. they are then certified as an expert in speed estimation.

in other words you have an eye witness of the crime...

Now you think about it... if you see a person murder someone that testimony is good enough to convict so why would an officer witnessing a crime, regardless of the severity, be any different?

In fact if you ever fight a Radar Ticket the citation is actually written on the officers estimation of speed and verified by the radar. so in court you can ask for his current estimation certification and also the radar certification..

Hope this helps..

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