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trev0006 05-27-2010 01:19 PM

Text Messaging Car Accident
Public service massage is way to graphic.

Video - Text Messaging Car Accident

here are the facts.

Teen Driver Cell Phone and Texting Statistics

•Despite the risks, the majority of teen drivers ignore cell phone driving restrictions.
•Talking on a cell phone while driving can make a young driver's reaction time as slow as that of a 70-year-old.
•56% of teenagers admit to talking on their cell phones behind the wheel, while 13% admit to texting while driving. (Note: Because this information was given voluntarily by teens, actual cell phone use numbers may be much higher.)
•48% of young Americans from 12-17 say they've been in a car while the driver was texting.
•52% of 16- and 17-year-old teen drivers confess to making and answering cell phone calls on the road. 34% admit to text messaging while driving.
•In 2007, driver distractions, such as using a cell phone or text messaging, contributed to nearly 1,000 crashes involving 16- and 17-year-old drivers.
•Over 60% of American teens admit to risky driving, and nearly half of those that admit to risky driving also admit to text messaging behind the wheel.
•Each year, 21% of fatal car crashes involving teenagers between the ages of 16 and 19 were the result of cell phone usage. This result has been expected to grow as much as 4% every year.
•Almost 50% of all drivers between the ages of 18 and 24 are texting while driving.
•Over one-third of all young drivers, ages 24 and under, are texting on the road.
•Teens say that texting is their number one driver distraction.

Cell Phones, Text Messaging, and Car Accident Information for All Drivers

•Talking on a cell phone causes nearly 25% of car accidents.
•One-fifth of experienced adult drivers in the United States send text messages while driving.
•In 2008 almost 6,000 people were killed and a half-million were injured in crashes related to driver distraction.
•At any given time during daylight hours in 2008, more than 800,000 vehicles were driven by someone using a hand-held cell phone.
•4 out of every 5 accidents (80%) are attributed to distracted drivers. In contrast, drunk drivers account for roughly 1 out of 3 (33%) of all accidents nationally.
•Texting while driving is about 6 times more likely to result in an accident than driving while intoxicated.
•People who text while driving are 23% more likely to be in a car accident.
•A study of dangerous driver behavior released in January 2007 by Nationwide Mutual Insurance Co. found that of 1,200 surveyed drivers, 73% talk on cell phones while driving. The same 2007 survey found that 19% of motorists say they text message while driving.
•In 2005, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration found that 10% of drivers are on handheld or hands free cell phones at any given hour of the day.
•A study conducted by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety Motorists found that motorists who use cell phones while driving are four times more likely to get into crashes serious enough to injure themselves.
•In 2002, the Harvard Center for Risk Analysis calculated that 2,600 people die each year as a result of using cellphones while driving. They estimated that another 330,000 are injured.
•According to the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, drivers talking on cell phones are 18% slower to react to brake lights. They also take 17% longer to regain the speed they lost when they braked
•Of cell phone users that were surveyed, 85% said they use their phones occasionally when driving, 30% use their phones while driving on the highway, and 27% use them during half or more of the trips they take.
•84% of cell phone users stated that they believe using a cell phone while driving increases the risk of being in an accident.
•The majority of Americans believe that talking on the phone and texting are two of the most dangerous behaviors that occur behind the wheel. Still, as many as 81% of drivers admit to making phone calls while driving.
•The number of crashes and near-crashes linked to dialing is nearly identical to the number associated with talking or listening. Dialing is more dangerous but occurs less often than talking or listening.
•Studies have found that texting while driving causes a 400% increase in time spent with eyes off the road.

Study Reveals the Dangers of Texting While Driving
The following statistics come from a study conducted by the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute (VTTI):

•Of all cell phone related tasks - including talking, dialing, or reaching for the phone - texting while driving is the most dangerous.
•Teen drivers are four times more likely than adults to get into car crashes or near crash events directly related to talking on a cell phone or texting.
•A car driver dialing a cell phone is 2.8 times more likely to get into a crash than a non-distracted driver.
•A driver reaching for a cell phone or any other electronic device is 1.4 times more likely to experience a car crash.
•A car driver talking on their phone is 1.3 times more likely to get into an accident.
•A truck driver texting while driving is 23.2 times more likely to get into an accident than a trucker paying full attention to the road.
•A truck driver dialing a cell is 5.9 times more likely to crash.
•A trucker reaching for a phone or other device is 6.7 times more likely to experience a truck accident.
•For every 6 seconds of drive time, a driver sending or receiving a text message spends 4.6 of those seconds with their eyes off the road. This makes texting the most distracting of all cell phone related tasks.

ArizonaRedneck 05-27-2010 01:28 PM

i have a hard enough time driving without a phone in my hand :w2:

cumminsdad08 05-27-2010 02:53 PM

no way not to graphic, sometimes its the only way to get the point across. this is real life stuff, and some of these people don't realize this. there are already enough things that can screw you up, why add more.

Budgreen 05-27-2010 02:56 PM

That one has been floating around for awhile now. I give them credit for realism :tu:

bosslady 05-27-2010 03:00 PM

texting and driving is a very very very selfish act. It is not fair that I could be driving down the road minding my own business and some 16 year old is texting... and side swips me..and kills me..or anyone in the vehicle with me.

someone in my family.. has had 3 wrecks invovling texting and driving ( thank god..they are still alive..and never wrecked with another vehicle)..and I have told them... " its not fair that your driving and texting..and kill some innocent kid... you killed a kid...due to your selfishness!!" " or what if you kill yourself and leave me!..thats not fair to me"

people like to think " nothing like that will happen to me" but it can.. lets say your driving.. you get a text message... u grab ur phone read it..and try to reply and you dont notice that the traffic has stoped in front of you and you rear end a car... inside the car are 2 young kids... one child is 6 months old.. and the other is 3..... what if you kill both of them kids..and the mother is ok... picture the mother seeing her 2 babies dead and a white sheet placed over two tiny bodies.... ALL BECAUSE OF YOUR SELFISHNESS!!!!...... how in the world could you sleep at night... you would always see that mother crying for her babies... and its all your fault.....

its not worth the risk... so help keep yourself, your family, and strangers safe by... JUST NOT TEXTING and driving!

hock6.0 05-29-2010 07:25 AM

graphic as it is it should be played on national tv and in high schools in drivers ed

CSIPSD 05-29-2010 11:45 AM

You know... what happened to personal responsibility???

ya, texting is dangerous...

Ya talking on the phone is too...

So is walking, eating, breathing, drinking,

Everything you do everyday is slowly killing you...

Christ I am sick of all the fuking laws.

Seat belts, lift laws...

It will not be long before they make us all walk around in bubble suits, because we might fall down and get a boobo...

Personal Responsibility people...:argh:

FYI... If you could not tell... I do NOT agree with texting and phone laws.

12vcummins96 05-29-2010 11:56 AM

Originally Posted by ArizonaRedneck (Post 564359)
i have a hard enough time driving without a phone in my hand :w2:

what are you talkin about you have a hard enough time drivin period lol lol im just sayin

Captain Call 05-29-2010 11:58 AM

I have no say on texting laws because I've never sent/recieved a text before (blocked that crap) but I AM sick of the damn laws that are too intrusive on us. Like CSIPSD said, what happened to personal resposibility? I for one don't get some of these "laws" because all the damn cops need to do is WATCH the driver and determine if said driver is breaking a CURRENT law like.....oh......say.......WRECKLESS DRIVING!!! THERE'S a law on the books that covers texting.....hmm. Every time I see some dolt texting while driving (think about it, you'd HAVE to be a dolt to think you can drive safe and text duh) they're all over the friggin road (wreckless driving). Just pisses me off all these new stupid laws to generate $$$$. I swear the movie Idiocracy is coming true right before my eyes. :scare2:

Begle1 05-29-2010 02:19 PM

Wreckless driving would be one of those rare concepts that's a near antonym to its homonym. :pca1:

Personal responsibility becomes purview of a free society when it can impose on somebody else, and 4,000-10,000 pounds up to 100 MPH is a substantial amount of imposition. The law isn't to keep you from killing yourself as much as killing somebody else.

Seatbelt laws aren't to keep you alive, it's to keep your corpse in one location so the poor EMT's and firefighters don't have to scrap your intestines off the roadway.

Anti-cell-phone-while-driving laws are much easier to enforce and prosecute than reckless driving, which is a criminal offense rather than a traffic infraction in most states.

CSIPSD 05-29-2010 03:47 PM

Originally Posted by Begle1 (Post 565651)
Wreckless driving would be one of those rare concepts that's a near antonym to its homonym. :pca1:

Personal responsibility becomes purview of a free society when it can impose on somebody else, and 4,000-10,000 pounds up to 100 MPH is a substantial amount of imposition. The law isn't to keep you from killing yourself as much as killing somebody else.

Seatbelt laws aren't to keep you alive, it's to keep your corpse in one location so the poor EMT's and firefighters don't have to scrap your intestines off the roadway.

Anti-cell-phone-while-driving laws are much easier to enforce and prosecute than reckless driving, which is a criminal offense rather than a traffic infraction in most states.

You sound like a liberal hippy...:ouch:

I suppose we should ban guns too, I mean you could shoot yourself or someone else... I mean at least if they were banned you could prosecute when someone shoots someone else... wait...:humm:

Far far far too many laws on the books...

Like Helmet laws for bikes, great, make a law... but if your going to (oregon law says anyone under 17 must wear a helmet) enforce it...

So now its just another law on the books...

Like texting laws.

Get pulled over for it... "I was not texting" "yes you were" "prove it"..... Another unenforceable law

Begle1 05-29-2010 06:42 PM

Traffic citations are never unenforceable, because their actual legality is close to irrelevant... They're not crimes. Most people don't bother to argue the legality; the majority that do still end up paying. Traffic courts are hardly even rooted in law; they just exist to ensure that the county's police-base fund-raising-through-extortion remains profitable.

They write plenty of cell-phone-use-while-driving tickets out here.

To use your gun allusion correctly, the irresponsible use of guns in ways that may injure others is entirely illegal, and the irresponsible use of automobiles is largely illegal for the same reasons.

How is driving while texting different from driving while drunk?

I don't agree with seat belt or helmet laws for adults, but as far as things that offend my libertarian sensibilities go, they're close to the bottom of the list.

busta 05-29-2010 06:54 PM

ya know why we need all these laws :w2:
because idiots do stupid things and hurt or kill other people while doing them, then try to hide when it is time to take responsibility for their actions

take my accident for instance the trailer company let a trailer leave their property after being hooked up by a 13 yr old on a ball a couple sizes too small for the hitch with no safety chains hooked up at dusk :scare2:
now if the trailer company had of stepped up and taken responsibility for letting it leave like that I would be set for life but instead I am going to have to fight them in court
I also will work with my local politician to get another law passed to spare someone else from getting screwed up for life

if a helmet law saves one person from having to try to recover from brain damage it is a good thing
sometimes you see a law not being enforced but do you know what the officer is doing at the time?
is he/she on their way to a shooting/traffic accident or some other call that may be more important at the moment :humm:

how do you figure texting laws are unenforceable
a cop see`s you texting notes the time gives you a ticket
all he would have to do in court to prove it is get a copy of your phone records, time of all texts are on them

I also think since it is so dangerous that it should be a stiffer penalty :tttt:

I also don`t think the video is too graphic
I think it is too short and should show the emergency room and should show how long it takes for a person to heal up

97cummins 05-31-2010 01:11 AM

Well said busta.

DB Admin 05-31-2010 01:56 AM

if she would of been driving a big diesel truck her and her friends would be ok.

good video tho , ive only had my phone for a week or so and i already tried to text and drive and its impossible ... i can eat 5 soft tacos in less than 10 miles and not get anything on my seat/floor but i cannot text and drive :D

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