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wisconsin redneck 04-18-2010 09:06 PM

opinions on marines v. army
So I'm going to be going either the army or the marines.... I've been leaning towards the marines.... but i need some more opinions... I've talked to both recuiters and have talked to a few people from both the army and marines.... I'm gonna do the ROTC (NROTC for the navy) progam and am gonna be a combat engineer... What do ya'll think? are they're any marines or army guys on here? what dont and do you like about your job/branch in the service... all opinions are appricated...
thanks guys :tu:

Begle1 04-18-2010 10:38 PM

A few years ago when I was looking at enlisting the Army was willing to give you more if you joined than the Marines, or at least the Army recruiter was willing to lie more. I think that the Marines aren't as hard up for recruits as the Army, due to people joining the Marines to be Marines.

Deezel Stink3r 04-19-2010 01:47 AM

A word from the "wise":
Anything not written on paper and documented will not happen.

Insist on everything they lure you with, to be documented and a copy given to you.

On the other hand -life in the air force is kinda cool.

Cbum 04-19-2010 07:23 AM

No one branch is better than the other . Ultimately they serve the same purpose through various means .

To answer your question you need to answer one . What do you want or lack in your life right now . Marines for the most part you will get Discipline and structure and strong fellowship . While I can't speak of the Army personally they seem very similar but just more flexible and with a little more freedoms . I served from 85 to 89 in the Marines was stationed at Army bases for all of my schools .

And as all ready stated get everything in writing .

DIRTYMAX2004 04-19-2010 07:44 AM

I am army national guard. I am a mechanic that supports a unit full of 21C (bridgers) but i sometimes hop in on their training. Its a real good time in the guard but i here it kinda sucks doing it active duty.

DieselSharker 04-19-2010 04:50 PM

IMO the bigger the branch, the more BS. I was a grunt for 6 years, did 3 tours, and now I'm in the reserves about to go to school for heavy equipment. The Army has way too much politics, especially combat arms, and is way disorganized. I was at my wits end and thought my head would blow off at any moment until I came home in November and was 3 months away from getting out. A lot (please no one take offense) of the people in the Army think they are a lot smarter than they are and there is a severe lack of respect between ranks. How you are supposed to respect someone who does nothing but bully you around and doesn't know as much about your job as you do is beyond me. IMO combat arms in the Army is all about officers wanting to make themselves look good on paper and most of them are willing to put people's lives at risks to do so.

About combat arms in general: if you don't plan on being a career soldier, marine, airman, sailor, etc, don't go combat arms because it gives you little to no real-world experience to use for jobs in the civilian world.

I won't give my opinion on the Marines because I have no first-hand experience and I'm not one to talk about things I don't know. Good luck with your decision and don't trust any recruiter.

kbailey 04-19-2010 06:54 PM

My brother is a marine but my dad was army. Travis (brother) is general infantry (by choice so he could go with his unit to Iraq) while dad was a missile commander based out of Germany. Id say the job you want will have some say in the matter ... Ive been told some jobs are easier to get in some branches as opposed to others.

Two acronyms to consider:
My Ass Rides In Navy Equipment Sir!
Muscles Are Required Intelligence Not Essential Sir!

Just kidding for all of our marine members.

brindle_bull 04-19-2010 07:37 PM

If you go....Thank you for your service...and regardless the BS, thank you to everyone else who has done their time.

wisconsin redneck 04-19-2010 08:18 PM

thanks for all of your opinions! dieselsharker a few other army guys have said kinda the same thing... i went to talk to the marines recruiter about NROTC cause i want to go to college..... of course they where closed :argh::argh: there goes 4 gallons of diesel... with nothing acomplished:argh::argh::argh: ny ways im gonna set up another date to meet with him... as for one job being easier in one branch vs. another... i can see that... but i dont think i just wanna be a grunt... i would like to learn something that i can use back in everyday life.... i.e combat engineering, you learn how to do alot of construction, and i plan on either doing construction or ranching after the service... either way that would help out a SHIT TON... ok so dont trust anything the recruiter says unless its in writing... ok got that :tu: shit i forgot what that test was called for what jobs you can do.... could somebody remind me please? how hard is that and what should i do to prepare for it? i'd like to do as good as possible so i can keep as many options open as possible... thanks guys!

akguppy 04-19-2010 08:52 PM


wisconsin redneck 04-20-2010 12:50 PM

ok so the ASVAB how hard is it and what should i do to prepare for it? i'd like to do as good as possible so i can keep as many options open as possible...


cummins24 04-20-2010 07:51 PM

The asvab is pretty easy. its alot of general knowledge. If you are wanting to learn a skill to use when you get out aviation is the way to go IMO. For all of my avionics schools i'm getting tons of college credit hours. some jobs will get you an enlistment bonus and some won't, it depends on the needs of the marine corps. generally the army will give bigger bonuses since their budget it alot bigger than ours. If you've got any questions or any thing feel free to PM me bud.

lobsterman04 04-20-2010 07:54 PM

Take the online tests. all 3 of them. then practice what you need help with. take your time. trust me you have plenty!! i finished with alot of time left and got an 89.

why not the airforce???

---AutoMerged DoublePost---

Oh yeah. In the Airforce we get paid "sub-standard" living if we absolutly have to live anywhere but an Aieforce base:tttt:

_hollywood 04-23-2010 07:35 AM

If I had to choose between the army and the marines I would choose the marines.

Every branch has dirt bags, but the level of respect that the marines get is second to none, I am in the Air Force and writing this from afghanistan, and I would recommend the air force to you because of the standard of living, the quality of life is the best of all branches, and the chicks are hotter, lol ......in all seriousness though take a good look at all branches and what they are going to offer YOU, and dont do it for the money because the first time a rocket flies over your head, all the money in the world doesnt matter.

Ask a soldier or marine about air force life and they will usually mumble something about how we stay in hotels and its "easy" but its all the same out here.

Best of luck in whatever you choose, and like its stated above, get everything in writing before you head to MEPS, and do not go in open general.......

bosslady 04-23-2010 11:25 AM

My husband has just started schooling in sheppard afb. Im not trying to push you one direction or the other.. but a lot of soldiers marines i have spoken with wish they would have went airforce. Airforce has one of the highest standards for joing tho. Pretty much if you have anything on your record...you can kiss the airforce goodbye. they are strict on the tattoos too. ( there are soo many people going into the services they are being more and more picky)

we met with a marine recruitor after we seen an airforce recruitor, and he didnt want me in the office...and i believe its because he planed to lie to my husband...but when we turned to walk out of the office he let me come in..and sure enough.. he lied his :moon: off to my husband.

codys airforce recrutior did not tell us anything that turned out to be a lie. My husband comes from a family of airman so we knew what the truth and lies where. also, you really really need to read about each branch...and TALK to someone from each branch ( and i dont mean the recruitors.they will likely tell you whatever u want to hear) talk to someone who is doing a job like you want.

i probly didnt help you at all :scare2:

o yea..the asvab...its general knowledge.....pretty much...if you don't know it now... you never will.

DieselSharker 04-23-2010 11:38 AM

Originally Posted by _hollywood (Post 544064)
I would recommend the air force to you because of the standard of living, the quality of life is the best of all branches, and the chicks are hotter

I have to agree with both parts here from what I have witnessed and from my Dad and Godfather's experience, but especially the women. :rocking: AF women are the topic of many a discussion in the Army CHUs in Iraq, especially when you are stuck on a base in the middle of nowhere the size of a city block with no women for 15 months like we were.

Originally Posted by bosslady (Post 544153)
o yea..the asvab...its general knowledge.....pretty much...if you don't know it now... you never will.

I have to highly disagree there. When I was a recruiter's assistant when I first joined I tutored many guys and gals who had a score of 15 or below and got them passing with a 45 or above. I'm 26 and I'm still learning advanced math and science in college. I don't see how someone in their late teens or early 20s can't learn basic math, science and english if they don't know it already.

bosslady 04-23-2010 12:36 PM

Originally Posted by DieselSharker (Post 544164)
I have to agree with both parts here from what I have witnessed and from my Dad and Godfather's experience, but especially the women. :rocking: AF women are the topic of many a discussion in the Army CHUs in Iraq, especially when you are stuck on a base in the middle of nowhere the size of a city block with no women for 15 months like we were.

I have to highly disagree there. When I was a recruiter's assistant when I first joined I tutored many guys and gals who had a score of 15 or below and got them passing with a 45 or above. I'm 26 and I'm still learning advanced math and science in college. I don't see how someone in their late teens or early 20s can't learn basic math, science and english if they don't know it already.

guess i should have been more specific... the test i took I dont really remember math being on it... i remember questions about red fluid under a car...transmission fluid would be the answer.... thats what i ment...

12vcummins96 04-23-2010 01:11 PM

marines imo

DieselSharker 04-23-2010 01:16 PM

Originally Posted by bosslady (Post 544196)
guess i should have been more specific... the test i took I dont really remember math being on it... i remember questions about red fluid under a car...transmission fluid would be the answer.... thats what i ment...

You can still learn that stuff. That's why they sell study guides and they have study websites. There is basic geometry and also speed math. There are 50 or 70 or so simple equations to see how many you can do in a short time span (2+2, 8x3, 7-2, etc). At least there was 7 years ago but I doubt it has changed a whole lot if at all besides being computerized.

DIRTYMAX2004 04-23-2010 01:29 PM

i think there would be a lot of mad ppl if i posted my opinions on the Air Force :w2: so i will keep my mouth shut.

the air force isnt that strict. My buddy had drug and assult charges on his record he also had too many concusions that the marines wouldnt take him. He ended up joining the air force but now is getting honorably discharged because he blew out his knee while training.

loydmp 05-09-2010 10:08 AM

I have to lean you towards the Marines, if i'm ask. Only cause I am one (92-96) 22nd MEU-SOC. from a common sense area, id say whatever you choose to make it a field you can use later in life. No where in life will my skills i learned be helpful. I cant carry an M-60 everyday, and our LPCs (boots) weren't that comfortable.

Come on Chris, You can tell us what you think of us dirty,dumb, Jarheads. We love it that way.

DieselSharker 05-09-2010 10:23 AM

Tommy I don't have many issues with any branches other than the Army anymore after all the BS I dealt with the last 6+ years. I figure nothing can be worse than being in 1st Cav for 6 years and deploying with the same division 3 times, the same platoon twice. Talk about wanting to put a gun to my head every day for the last 2 year I was in. I've known you for 6 months now, when have you heard me talk sh*t? Well about you being a marine anyway. We're both Vets now and that's all.

loydmp 05-09-2010 10:32 AM

I'm just picking at you as always. I've never heard you say anything bad about any branch that i can remember. I'm proud to call you and all our servicemen and women my brothers and sisters. :guns:

_hollywood 05-09-2010 12:09 PM

As an air force guy I have a massive amount of respect for marines, they are a cut above the rest and they do their job with out of date vehicles, sleep in the dirt, and make do with what they get, I have a brand new vest and M-4 while the grunt is trying to get his old m-16 unjammed, but they get the job done regardless.

Any body who says, air force guys are wimps, army guys are dumb, navy guys are flamers, etc obviously have no idea what really goes on in the military, when you watch CNN and see a bunch of marines " take over an airstrip" fail to realize that a small group of air force and army guys were air dropped in earlier and made sure the location was safe to "take over" so its really all branches working together, with out knowing it. The guys who you never see on the news, or really hear about are doing things to make everybodys job safer.

What im trying to say is whatever branch you are part of, you are in no way superior to another branch, and if you dont feel that way than thats fine, you obviously have no idea how things are run.

Thanks to all who have previously served...... Freedom is not Free

NadirPoint 05-09-2010 12:39 PM

I spent 20 year in the Air Force, 83-03, 14 overseas, 7 different assignments all over the world. Loved every minute of it. I had a few joint duties during that time and can tell you without a doubt the Army is the worst. I was with them in Bosnia and they really treat their people like crap compared to what I was used to.

But like was said earlier, we're all on the same team at the end of the day....

_hollywood 05-09-2010 12:43 PM

Yes the army treats their people like dirt, compared to the AF

heres a story to maybe change your mind about the air force and what some of our guys do

Afghanistan actions earn airman 2 Silver Stars - Military News, News From Iraq & Afghanistan - Military Times

DieselSharker 05-09-2010 01:38 PM

Originally Posted by NadirPoint (Post 553549)
I spent 20 year in the Air Force, 83-03, 14 overseas, 7 different assignments all over the world. Loved every minute of it. I had a few joint duties during that time and can tell you without a doubt the Army is the worst. I was with them in Bosnia and they really treat their people like crap compared to what I was used to.

But like was said earlier, we're all on the same team at the end of the day....

After 6 years and now being in the reserves I can attest to that. It's a miracle I made it home all 3 times without hurting myself or someone else besides Iraqis. I read the Bible every day last year all the way through from Genesis to Revelations which I think helped keep me sane.

TTipsword 05-10-2010 01:26 AM

thanks too all that served!:c: anyhow
ive always kinda wanted to join but i dont really know. i will be going to school for welding but still wanna join the marines to weld. im afraid of what the recruiters say and dont wanna join cuse i dunno if i will be able to weld like i want to. might move me to infantry or somethin and that aitn my thing. anyone got advise for me? should i go to school and not join or should i join and then go to school after my enlistment is over?

DieselSharker 05-10-2010 02:20 AM

Originally Posted by TTipsword (Post 553881)
thanks too all that served!:c: anyhow
ive always kinda wanted to join but i dont really know. i will be going to school for welding but still wanna join the marines to weld. im afraid of what the recruiters say and dont wanna join cuse i dunno if i will be able to weld like i want to. might move me to infantry or somethin and that aitn my thing. anyone got advise for me? should i go to school and not join or should i join and then go to school after my enlistment is over?

To add some proof to the pudding about wages as a welder check it out:
Welder Salaries - Free Salary Search | Indeed.com
Welder Fabricator Salaries - Free Salary Search | Indeed.com

You never said what you called "good money" but the average salary for an EXPERIENCED welder is $35-40k and work in the trades is getting hard to come by for people with no work experience. For most people times are tough the first couple years out of college so plan ahead for that. Still more than you'll make in the military although you won't be making the national average salary right off the bat.

The only thing that would benefit you in the military would be some hands-on and job security. If you sign a contract to be a welder they can't send you to be infantry. Just never trust a recruiter and make sure you read everything you sign before you sign it.

---AutoMerged DoublePost---

A little more math for you just because I'm bored and wide awake. Let's say you make $40k a year which is the national average. Keep in mind that this is for an experienced welder. You'll probably make $25-30k a year for the first few years.

$40k a year with 40 hour work weeks is about $19 an hour. IF you get jobs that keep you working full-time (I know A LOT of EXPERIENCED tradesmen that are out of work for months at a time), this comes to about $3000 a month BEFORE taxes. Figure a grand a month for an apartment and utilities and cable. Plus $500 for car insurance, groceries, cell phone, etc. Take about $200-300 or more for taxes and life insurance. That leaves you a little over a grand a month to play with (IF you have no credit card/bank loan debt). Now figure that you will be travelling almost constantly and per diem is never 100% of your expenses (just like a military recruiter, never believe a large company's recruiters). You may be better off joining the military after all.

dennhop 05-10-2010 06:00 PM

If you're looking to learn to weld, as far as a trade goes, you're not going to want to go into Combat Engineer as an MOS...you'll want to go in as a welder, can't remember what the MOS is. Couple of things, again, like they said, if you go in, read every line on the contract, and ensure that it says exactly what you want on it.
Depending on what you want to do while you're in, the combat engineers in the field are utilized a lot with grunt patrols, searching out caches, and in some cases, blowing up unexploded ordnance. In garrison, they end up doing a lot of training, spending a ton of time out in the field, and whatnot.
In the past 11 years of experience, working hand in hand with Navy and Army units, the Marines (Active Duty, I'll keep my mouth shut on reservists, that's a whole different subject) are by far the most disciplined and respected. The Marine Corps is the ONLY branch out there that places large portions of responsibility on its Non Commissioned Officer corps, Corporals and Sergeants. I have been responsible for more personnel and equipment as a Corporal and Sergeant in the Marine Corps than some of the Army and Navy E6-E7's are. If I had to do it all over again, I'd go Marines again, just because. The benefits are definitely less overall than the other branches, but personally, I didn't join for the benefits.

cummins24 05-10-2010 06:22 PM

I think 2111 is the MOS he is looking for, metal worker/armorer. Thats what it is for us anyways.

tooomuchpowerwanted 05-11-2010 04:59 PM

me personally im in the marines and i love every second of it, i didnt get the joib i wanted but im still a marine so thats fine by me. like evryone has said though get it all in writing and just because they offer you a choice it means nothing to the military they will put you where they need you unless you have written proof, a signature is yuour best friend. but you can get any job you want with a good adsvab score. i only scored a 59 but got plenty of choices. just my opinion.

Ramprat 05-19-2010 03:29 PM

Go USAF, it's much better than the Army or marines and can set you up for a better 2nd career after ya get out...

---AutoMerged DoublePost---

Originally Posted by _hollywood (Post 553551)
Yes the army treats their people like dirt, compared to the AF

heres a story to maybe change your mind about the air force and what some of our guys do

Afghanistan actions earn airman 2 Silver Stars - Military News, News From Iraq & Afghanistan - Military Times

People do not know/see/hear about the AF being warriors, just plane drivers and a blue suit company....

It's only about 10% of the USAF who are true Warriors, but they are there doing stuff you would never think they would do....

I had a couple troops (Security Forces) do the 1st ever USAF Combat Jump into northern Iraq.....they were attached to the 173rd Airborne.....but were USAF Security Forces troops....

DieselConstruction 01-28-2012 03:27 PM

Marines first in last out if your looking to be the best and the most respected marine corps is the way if you looking for being a grunt in the military go army

USMC in school almost did nrotc but am doing officer cantidate school
Thank you for your service marine army airforce all fighting for the same thing all deserve respect

baddodges 01-28-2012 04:07 PM

Dont forget the army is cuttung back by fifty thousand dont think they will take anyone.my son and brother areare marines.my brother is retired infantry he was in the job asist program they offer and is now making great money as a welder.my son is wrecker operator at the moment with one tour under his blt he is a blackbelt in martialarts and has been asked to be a instructor.there are many possibilities for your future in the corps the brother type connection amongs the is amazing I have seen it firsthandgood luck with your decision

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