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Jet A Fuel 03-27-2010 07:03 PM

The founding fathers were smokers!!
Today I took a trip to see the Liberty Bell and the Independence Hall in Philadelphia. Inside the old Pennsylvania State house also know as Independence hall where the Declaration of Independence and the US constitution were signed at each desk there was a ink well and a pen, a walking cane,a few books but at every table the was a PIPE! So why is smoking such a taboo any more? I love to smoke, sometimes its the only thing that brings me any sanity but smokers are outcasts today and taxed to the max. I wonder what Ben Franklin and Thomas Jefferson would say about taxing and pretty much outlawing the enjoyment of a smoke today? Just thought I would share with Yall what I saw.

ArizonaRedneck 03-28-2010 12:08 AM

no telling what they would think probably try to get everbody to pick up there guns and head to washington to try and straighten out the government they helped set upand be really i mean really pissed off about how much their tobacco is being taxed :bat::bat:

handymanherb 03-28-2010 12:30 AM

Then Coke will be the next thing they tax, they say their going after them for our health but we all know it's just another tax, It's like the diesel tax no one who doesn't have a diesel thinks he isn't paying, so it's all right that the tax on diesel to be higher.

But I know many people who figured out their paying a diesel tax too! when the diesel went to 4.60 a while back, everything you buy gets to you by diesel, ships, airplanes, trains and trucks.

Even though prices go up when diesel goes up, the price never comes back down when the fuel go's down, just like you never see a tax go down or go away.

2MuchJunk 03-29-2010 02:40 AM

They already are going after coke and high sugar and other bad for you food's in many states with socialized med. and now that the fed. has put us on the path to soc. med. I don't give it long till they do to. My question is that I am not over weight and am in good health I also love bad for you food's and can't get out of bed without caffeine so why do I have to pay higher prices for these things? The answer is that it's a source of revenue for wasteful government spending. Just like the tobacco the government is addicted to.

I believe that the founding father would want a small government not involved in telling people what they could and could not do to themselves. Everyone over the age of three knows the dangers of tobacco use and the addictive powers of nicotine so if you choose to use them that is your decision. The reason they tax tobacco so much is they understand the addictive power of nicotine and them there self are addicted to it. It has absolutely nothing to do with the health aspect because if that was the case they would just ban it which I do not believe they should do but they understand that raising the tax will not stop most people from using it but supply them with more of our money to burn through.

The common man that the lib's in Washington swear to protect pay all the tax in the end. As a small business owner I can tell you the single biggest bill we pay is the tax bill. I can also tell you that every expense and tax has to be passed on if we don't then we go out of business. So the consumer is the one who gets higher priced stuff in the end.
So any time you hear talk of raising tax on business,the rich man,or fuel get ready cause things are about to go up in price.

handymanherb 03-29-2010 01:30 PM

Well the way it was set up it was state laws and DC was to be there for wars and commerce only, but like they say power corrupts.

"Pittsburgh Pa's Mayoral Idiot"


With the office of Mayor being controlled by DUMBocrats for over 60+years it should come to no surprise that the city is broke and can't balance the budget, because their re-election tactic has always been and is based on the premise that if all the city employees keep voting them in they receive the farm in the form of their contracts. Well the BUBBLE has finally BURST, all the legacy costs have overwhelmed the system (BIG SURPRISE).

Not only did taxpayers pay MOST of the employees to do next to nothing (some nothing at all) most of their career but now are required to do the same for the rest of their lives. Proof of the fact of how much work city employees do, 1-Pittsburgh is viewed as the POT HOLE capital of the world, and this past winter a man died after his family called 911 a total of 10 times in 3 days for help and the paramedics couldn't get through because the streets were not plowed (the paramedics actually asked the family to try to bring the man to the ambulance, and these same employees expect ENTITLEMENT PERKS for the rest of their life.

So now Pittsburgh's newest entitlement driven Mayor, Luke Ravenstahl, has proposed a new SODA TAX (the latest TAX FAD category sweeping America). The new tax proposed is 2 cents/ounce. Think about this: go to your supermarket in the Pittsburgh area and purchase a case of canned Pepsi for 5.99-then .42 (7% sales tax)- then 5.76 soda tax (based on 24 12oz cans @ .02 cents per ounce). Better yet, you can purchase a 2-liter of Pepsi .99 (on sale) -then .07 (7% sales tax)- then 1.34 soda tax (based on 67 ounces @ .02 per ounce).

This is only the beginning of what every level of government across America will be DREAMING up to find ways to cover the GIANT PONSI SCHEMES that have been instituted on society. Bernie Madoff does it and goes to jail for 150 years, politicians do it and get re-elected.

WAKE UP AMERICA !!!!!!!!!!

CSIPSD 03-29-2010 01:58 PM

Originally Posted by Jet A Fuel (Post 525375)
Today I took a trip to see the Liberty Bell and the Independence Hall in Philadelphia. Inside the old Pennsylvania State house also know as Independence hall where the Declaration of Independence and the US constitution were signed at each desk there was a ink well and a pen, a walking cane,a few books but at every table the was a PIPE! So why is smoking such a taboo any more? I love to smoke, sometimes its the only thing that brings me any sanity but smokers are outcasts today and taxed to the max. I wonder what Ben Franklin and Thomas Jefferson would say about taxing and pretty much outlawing the enjoyment of a smoke today? Just thought I would share with Yall what I saw.

I hate smoking... Everything about it is gross. Nothing like walking up to a hot arse gal, she turns around with a mouth full of yellow teeth...:scare2:

Smoking kills, hurts and or kills people that have to deal with it. Nothing like seeing a big old gal and her litter of kids in a honda with the windows up... Shes puffin away and the kids are forced to breath that crap... Then they go to school and smell like an ashtray...

Nothing about smoking then, has anything to do with the two-three pack a day people now.

handymanherb 03-29-2010 02:11 PM

So because you don't like it you wouldn't mind 100 dollar a pack tax on it, I don't like cigarettes since I quit them years back when they jumped the tax up 50 cents more a pack,I said I don't think so and quit.

If everybody would have quit at the same time the government would have went broke, they don't want you to stop they just want the money.

But sooner or later there going to tax anything they think is unhealthy or figure you just don't need just for the money.

9412Valve 03-29-2010 02:43 PM

Very interesting herb, good find I think. :rocking:

scarecrow 03-29-2010 03:14 PM

damn jet we could have had lunch! i am only 30 mins form the bell during the day. as for the smoking thing i agree 100% with csi. if you wanna smoke thats fine with me just dont do it anywhere near me or the entry of a building or a store so i have to walk thru it. i dont wanna smell like a cig for the day. and 1 more thing use your freaking ashtrays not the side of the road..... i had a party here at my house and i had a butt can for smokers all but 1 person used the can and i watched that person thru out the day. every time he droprd his butt and walked away i picked it up and put it in a bag. not long before that person left i dumped the bag plus a few other butts on his drivers seat...needless to say he was not too happy...do i care?...nope....

CSIPSD 03-29-2010 03:56 PM

Originally Posted by handymanherb (Post 526360)
So because you don't like it you wouldn't mind 100 dollar a pack tax on it, I don't like cigarettes since I quit them years back when they jumped the tax up 50 cents more a pack,I said I don't think so and quit.

If everybody would have quit at the same time the government would have went broke, they don't want you to stop they just want the money.

But sooner or later there going to tax anything they think is unhealthy or figure you just don't need just for the money.

What the founding fathers did and what is going on today is completly different. A pipe is not a cig...

I would love it if they would tax them, and take that money for treatment of smoking related illness...

diesel pap 03-29-2010 04:41 PM

i use snuff every day all day long. you know tobacco was used in all forms years ago. if tobacco companys are putting chemicals in tobacco thats harmful that should stop but i think everybody has a personal right to choose what they do. i still like a good smoke too. when people look at you 200 yards away to call you out thats not right.

K50 03-29-2010 04:59 PM

Originally Posted by Jet A Fuel (Post 525375)
Today I took a trip to see the Liberty Bell and the Independence Hall in Philadelphia. Inside the old Pennsylvania State house also know as Independence hall where the Declaration of Independence and the US constitution were signed at each desk there was a ink well and a pen, a walking cane,a few books but at every table the was a PIPE! So why is smoking such a taboo any more? I love to smoke, sometimes its the only thing that brings me any sanity but smokers are outcasts today and taxed to the max. I wonder what Ben Franklin and Thomas Jefferson would say about taxing and pretty much outlawing the enjoyment of a smoke today? Just thought I would share with Yall what I saw.

The founding fathers were also overtly racist... Society has progressed a little bit in the last 150 years. 440,000 Americans die each year from smoking and it costs $96 billion a year in direct health care costs, and an additional $97 billion a year in lost productivity. There's your tax money. Sounds great to me.

Jet A Fuel 03-29-2010 05:15 PM

The new increased tax from cigarettes goes to the children s health care act of 2009. but be warned they won't stop at tobacco. Beware if you like potato chips, Pepsi ,Coke, a big juicy big mac or quarter pounder. I just think it is ironic that the constitution was drafted and signed by tobacco users and now it's against the law! That's what happens when the Woodstock hippies get to running the government,they say " don't smoke its bad we no for sure we got real high in the 60's and 70's" hahahaha makes me laugh.

handymanherb 03-29-2010 05:26 PM

K-50 once again what do you know about American history,I don't want to hear your revised history and I think the founding fathers took good care of their slaves the one's that had them, and the slaves they had were slaves in Africa and were sold by their black owners to slave ships and do tell me how many black, slave owners were they in America at this same time, were they racist too!!!

And you haven't came no where, your still in Canada, It's America that's came a long way, not all of it good, and going down hill fast the last 10 years or so.

scarecrow 03-29-2010 05:56 PM

Originally Posted by handymanherb (Post 526478)
K-50 once again what do you know about American history,I don't want to hear your revised history and I think the founding fathers took good care of their slaves the one that had them, and the slaves they had were slaves in Africa and were sold by their black owners to slave ships and do tell me how many black, slave owners were they in America at this same time, were they racist too!!!

And you haven't came no where, your still in Canada, It's America that's came a long way, not all of it good, and going down hill fast the last 10 years or so.

so tell me....how do you REALLY feel???? :pca1: :tttt: :c:

Jet A Fuel 03-29-2010 06:05 PM

Hey Scarecrow I am up here in lovely Millville NJ working for a while, I still wanna go see the US mint and all the money :jump: there are a lot of diesel guys up here!!Does the social group get together around PA?

BIG NIG 03-29-2010 06:16 PM

i got all excited and though you were talkin about another kinda smokers:dang:

handymanherb 03-29-2010 06:26 PM

Their only taxing that in California but all the founding Father's had hemp farms

scarecrow 03-29-2010 07:43 PM

Originally Posted by Jet A Fuel (Post 526490)
Hey Scarecrow I am up here in lovely Millville NJ working for a while, I still wanna go see the US mint and all the money :jump: there are a lot of diesel guys up here!!Does the social group get together around PA?

pm sent

tooomuchpowerwanted 03-30-2010 06:24 PM

i gotta agree, i dip everyday and the wife smokes. but thats our choice. she doesnt smoke in our house but i do dip, i mean its my house. she and i both ask whoever we are with if they mind if we dip or smoke. if they say they dont want us to thats fine we wait. its more common respect then anything else. it may be bad for me but nowadays everything is. its just that little something that makes it easier toget through the day, i wrap all my bottles in tape so you cant see the spit and i cap it up so i dont spill it. just because you dont like it doesnt mean you can walk over and tell someone that its bad for them and they need to spit/put it out im sure they have been told before by someone who's opinion they value. it makes me mad when someone walks across the street to tell my wife to put her cig out. wouldnt it be easier to stay over there and not say anything? just venting not trying to make non tabacco users angry.

RSWORDS 03-30-2010 07:20 PM

I would guess its because of all teh health issue. While most of us have insurance the gov foots the bill for ALOT of people that dont. Birth defects, cancers, and other healt problems related to smoking (that were not known back in the day) are very expensive.

2MuchJunk 03-30-2010 08:19 PM

If the expensive tax was strictly because of the health expense why don't they just ban tobacco? Should they ask for your insurance card when you buy a pack of smokes? The heavy tax is simply because the government is the biggest drug dealer in America. They bring in a lot of money off peoples vices.

I do believe that tobacco users need to show more consideration to none users. Use your ash tray, don't spit dip all over the place, don't smoke right at the door to a building and don't throw butts on the ground. I believe these are some of the main reasons most people get mad with tobacco users. I also believe non tobacco users have to use some restraint. There is no need to cross the street when a smoker is being courteous buy staying away from people who don't smoke to get on there case or to get on someone for smoking in there yard.

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