Diesel Bombers

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IC Smoke 05-14-2009 08:42 PM

Thats a bummer..... youll find something soon just dont get discouraged :U:

Working at a shop is fun sometimes... Like pulling pranks on the other guys.

grease under the handles of the toolbox, packing peanuts from the shipping department in each drawer of the toolbox. super glue a small pebble to one of the wheels on a box. Turning the light off in the bathroom when someone is taking a #2 (no windows) And my favorite... push the guys toolbox from one end of the shop to the other (long friggin ways) That usually pi*ses em off when they get there the next day but its funny as heck!

I dont miss 2nd but I do miss working at the shop. :U:

DB Admin 05-14-2009 08:44 PM

Find a desk job

bosslady 05-14-2009 09:24 PM

the thing is thats the only thing that is hiring around here... i just couldnt... i tried...thats all i can say i tried

Captain Call 05-15-2009 12:20 AM

Sorry to hear you quit Dana. Being yelled at is life. I guess I don't understand why it upset you and have no sympathy because I was raised by a construction superintendant. In the workforce you have to have thick skin or you might as well stay home. Now don't take this the wrong way cause I thought you'd do ok (and there's always next time) but a job is no walk in the park, nor is it like high school. It's brutal out there and the best advice is to never show weakness, cause everyone feeds off of it. If it hurts your feelings or you're sore, shrug it off and work that much harder. It'll get easier with time. I know what it's like to start at the bottom with no experience (we all do) but you just have to take it all in stride and learn as you go. An old dozer hand once told me "you don't have to be fast to be good, you have to be good to go fast" I think that's true in most work aplications. Well like I said, sorry you quit but you'll get another chance to redeem yourself soon enough.

2500HeavyDuty 05-15-2009 01:11 AM

Originally Posted by 94Matt (Post 337424)
I would imagine your first day will be mostly orientation, so it shouldn't be too bad.

I don't know if Goodman makes their own coils or in that plant anyways, but lacing coils looks like the hardest job in an HVAC factory to me. The JCI plants in Oklahoma and Kansas make all the condenser coils in house, it is a line up of the most stressed out women you've ever seen working. They say men just can't do that job efficiently so it's all women lacing coils all day long 24/7. I wouldn't want to try it that's for sure:ok1:

I know a couple factory managers, we talk about the joys of babysitting employees a lot. All they want is for you to do the job at the pace they show you and not create any drama. They absolutely hate people that bring down the teams culture with outside drama. If you are a team player and do the work, you'll be fine.

you work for johnson controls too?

94Matt 05-15-2009 08:35 AM

Originally Posted by 2500HeavyDuty (Post 337980)
you work for johnson controls too?

No way!! I decided a few years ago that I am a horrible employee and started my own company, we sell JCI's equipment. I love the factory tours, great food everywhere you go and all the drinks you can handle.

---AutoMerged DoublePost---

Originally Posted by bosslady (Post 337884)
welll i quit.... job was too hard.. and people on down the line was cussing me and yelling at me...

Sorry to hear it.

Company culture is a hard thing to break into, I know because when I worked for a large company, I fired new guys on their first day regularly. If they made it through a week, then I'd really let them have it and find out how they handle stress. After a month of total BS, they would become one of us. It's no different than the social class system that all of us went through growing up in school. You have to be able to play the game in order to win.

stkdram55 05-15-2009 09:55 AM

Way to bitch out...dont worry the rest of us that work will support you:argh:

94Matt 05-15-2009 01:02 PM

Originally Posted by stkdram55 (Post 338038)
Way to bitch out...dont worry the rest of us that work will support you:argh:

Gee whiz, don't sugar coat it.

K50 05-15-2009 01:56 PM

Originally Posted by Captain Call (Post 337971)
Sorry to hear you quit Dana. Being yelled at is life. I guess I don't understand why it upset you and have no sympathy because I was raised by a construction superintendant. In the workforce you have to have thick skin or you might as well stay home. Now don't take this the wrong way cause I thought you'd do ok (and there's always next time) but a job is no walk in the park, nor is it like high school. It's brutal out there and the best advice is to never show weakness, cause everyone feeds off of it. If it hurts your feelings or you're sore, shrug it off and work that much harder. It'll get easier with time. I know what it's like to start at the bottom with no experience (we all do) but you just have to take it all in stride and learn as you go. An old dozer hand once told me "you don't have to be fast to be good, you have to be good to go fast" I think that's true in most work aplications. Well like I said, sorry you quit but you'll get another chance to redeem yourself soon enough.

Man I got a ton of stories I could share about stuff like that. I grew up without a dad, so I never had anyone to show me how to 'man up' when things got tough. It was hard to learn on my own. My first and biggest lesson I ever had was actually when I was 14 and learning to play basketball. I had this instructor who was in his mid 20's, about 6'3", and drilled us like he'd drill himself. I had never been so intimidated in my life; it was supposed to be fun and easy, right? That's what I thought, then I realised that to really be the best that I could be at anything, that that coach or a coach like him is the best thing to have. He took no BS, no excuses, and didn't sugarcoat anything. He was honest, he worked us hard, and he pushed us until we felt like we couldn't push anymore. I was afraid, but it just meant that when he complemented us that we actually deserved it. I'm not sure, but I think I might have actually cried once. But after getting through his class, I could outplay just about anyone, and the next time something hard came along, I had his voice in my head telling me not to give up and quit like I always did when things got hard. To this day I think back, and no matter where I go or what I do, those principles always apply.

With respect to work, I've learned that no matter what the job is, the people I work with are what determine whether the job is fun or not. I could be doing my dream job, but if my team sucks, I might as well quit, whereas if I'm doing a job that I don't like but have awesome people to work with, it becomes much more bareable. Just learn what you can from this experience, don't blame anyone, and try again.

Originally Posted by stkdram55 (Post 338038)
Way to bitch out...dont worry the rest of us that work will support you:argh:

:ouch: I hope you're being sarcastic. Everyone falls off the horse at least once. :moon:

bosslady 05-15-2009 02:25 PM

Originally Posted by stkdram55 (Post 338038)
Way to bitch out...dont worry the rest of us that work will support you:argh:

well actually... u dont have to..... im on NO gov. programs....

but thanks for you support since u automatically assume u take care of me..

---AutoMerged DoublePost---

Dustin- it really wasnt the fact that i was getting yelled at.... i let that roll off my back... however... the job i had was hard enough without people who only had to put one thing on the unit...yelling at me...

i had to put 2 plastic bags on the unit with a screw... then i had to put this footplate over the open part of the coils... with 3 screws that NEVER lined up correctly...... then put a book ontop of it....

the girl that done the next step..all she had to do was put a piece of foam ontop of the unit... then the next girl put the plastic cover on it...

well at one point that night... the units where touching each other... and i was really busting my ass to keep up....and the girl that works for me to have all my material ready to go on the unit.... was gone... and i waited on her to come back... and she never did and my unit that i ran out of stuff on was all the way in the boxing deptment.... so i said screw it.. i cant do this....

not to mention i had to learn how to do my job with all this crap on arms and hands... kevlar i got cut on a regular basis... and the line STOPS for NO ONE

and also.. this was the 1st job i ever had.... not exactly the best 1st job to hold.....

im not proud of myself for giving up..... i wanted to quit the 1st night... but i held on.....

point is i cant take it back...

but the bottom line of why i quit was because the job was wayy too hard for me

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