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TCU Fan 08-18-2008 12:29 AM

I Am RICH!!!! Who Needs A Loan?
I got this email tonight telling me that I am getting some money. If you need a loan send me your routing number and account number and I will make sure I take all the money you have in the account out.

-----Original Message-----
From: malamkeffas@centralbk-ng.org [mailto:malamkeffas@centralbk-ng.org]
Sent: Sunday, August 17, 2008 10:08 PM
Subject: VALIDATION OF PAYMENT OF $950,000.00


ATM Card Dept.
Tel:234-705 503 66 18


How are you?

This is to bring to your notice that your ATM debit card has been
processed with our correspondence bank the HSBC London under the
instruction of the President Alhaji Umaru Musa Yar'Adua to be monitored
by the Secretary to the Government of the Federation Amb. Babagana
Kingibe. The card is ready for use and we have been authorised to contact
you for despatching of your Debit Card to your doorstep with the address
you are asked to provide.

It is important that we notify you about the dispatch charge of your Visa
card which is US$165:00 only being for courier delivery fee. Bear in mind
that the VISA DEBIT DARD will be sent to you by DHL and we will forward to
you the tracking number and courier slip prompt payment of the above
mentioned charges which is for insurance and courrier charges.

In addition to that we also wish to inform you that you are operating
CBN/HSBC Account. Your Debit Card will be valued for two years and you can
download your payment to check your account balance from any ATM unit
using your secret pin number which will also be delivered to you by mail
for your to be able to commence funds withdrawal upon the receipt of your
dispatch fee.

Card No:4988241476163496
Secret Pin:xxxx
Value Date: December 2009.
Maximum Daily Withdrawal:US$50,000:00.

This courier delivery fee should be addressed to us by western union as

Receiver: Mr.Chidiebere Adolphus
Add:Tinubu Sqaure Lagos Nigeria
Q= Promise

Send your reply to : mallamkeffas10@jmail.co.za

Yours faithfully,

Dr Mallam Keffas,
Central Bank Nigeria

2500HeavyDuty 08-18-2008 12:32 AM

i could use a few bones

biged681985 08-18-2008 12:33 AM

my route number is 000F00U00C00K0
my account nuber is 0000Y000O00U0

stkdram55 08-18-2008 12:41 AM


your on crack:crack:

make sure everyone knows this is a joke so you dont get peoples acct numbers, i hope no one on here is stupid enough but ya never know:humm:

biged681985 08-18-2008 12:50 AM

if ya want to send me a money order ill take a few thousand dollars

akguppy 08-18-2008 01:14 AM

Sounds legit to me! Go for it, all you got to lose is $165:00. Don't know what the "colon" means. :D :run:

biged681985 08-18-2008 01:16 AM

losin $165 is alot to most

greasemonkey 08-18-2008 01:41 AM

it is to me right now! instead of working a bunch of OT hours I'm on disability for this retarded staph, strep and mono combo...pretty sure I'm going to live but at this point $165 is a big chunk of change to me!!

Diesel Dummy 08-18-2008 05:15 AM

looks like a good email to send some awesome gay pics to what do you all think, they always like that!!!

wildbill 08-18-2008 07:15 AM

Send some to me, I'll give ya my debit dard #!!!!!!

babydoll214 08-18-2008 11:51 AM

Sad thing is that there are a lot of over-trusting people out there that are just naive enough to believe it and send all their info. I knew a lady that got a phone call from someone saying they were from her bank and needed to verify her personal info. She gave them her full name, birtdate, social security number, address, etc. EVERYTHING! Without thinking twice!

The ISP I work for just got spammed too. A spammer sent out an email saying the company was going to turn off all accounts that did not respond with their user name, password, full name and address and birthdate within 5 days. The second they sent out their personal info, their accounts became the spammer's new email address. Talk about a mess!

bigdaddydiesel 08-18-2008 03:07 PM

For some reason i get those all of the time, the more I report them, the more I get!!!:humm:

busta 08-18-2008 05:44 PM

wait til ya get the 3 money orders in the mail for $500 a piece lol

Johnny Cetane 08-19-2008 09:51 AM

I am also rich because I have all of you.

Damn, I said it with a straight face.


Kinda. :D

E2theRock2 08-19-2008 11:37 AM

Hahahahah what a scam. My sister got one of those emails once and we all figured it was a scam so in the account number spot she would put $%#%^ you and she kept getting it and would do the same thing and then she got tired of that and started deleting them and they kept coming turned out it was real. It was $1000 cold hard cash from some contest she entered in months before.... lol I still wouldnt trust it tho it prolly a scam.

Marine 08-19-2008 02:57 PM

I think it should be legal to use the IP address, track them down, and kill them. :gunner:

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