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greasemonkey 08-13-2008 04:51 PM

Gotta Be Kidding Me
maybe two weeks ago I was riding my m/c around the block a few times to check a rattle out I tried to fix, wearing shorts, somehow I guess a spider got onto my legs and bit my quad, mid-thigh...damn near crashed hitting my leg and trying to slow/pull over. well that bite got a pretty nasty staff infection around it, my doc was worried it could be MRSA so he put me on a pretty heavy dose of Ceflex, which cleared it up within a few days.

last thursday morning I took the last Ceflex antibiotic dose and by friday morning had a sore throat and felt sick enough to stay home from work...rested up sat/sunday, by sunday night I had white spots on my tonsils. Missed work monday till now, day three on Ammoxicillin which hasn't done anything noticeable, still waiting for my throat swab and blood work from the lab from monday, don't know why it's taken so long. So I've been lurking around here between naps, really sucks to go from a serious staff infection to a nasty case of strep throat...and try to drink hot tea when it's 95 out.

the a/c is still broken at the house I'm renting so I'm at my parents' house.:argh:

biged681985 08-13-2008 05:02 PM

damn. you cant win for losing. i hope your throat gets feelin better man.

bigdaddydiesel 08-13-2008 05:05 PM

I feel for you man!!! I'll say a little prayer that things get better!!!

Redpatcher0481 08-13-2008 05:23 PM

Ask your doc for a Z-pack. by day 2 or 3 it should be gone. Its a 5 day pack.

Oilfield_Mafia 08-13-2008 07:42 PM

Originally Posted by Redpatcher0481 (Post 193907)
Ask your doc for a Z-pack. by day 2 or 3 it should be gone. Its a 5 day pack.

X2 on the Z-Packs.. those things are GOD sent.. I hope u get to feelin better Bud!

slowtowpig 08-13-2008 07:54 PM

man that sucks. i feel for you. i hate when i get sick, i will contiune to work because i cant sit at home or i will go crazy.

my buddy that builds road race bikes desided to take one out( no head lights, tail light, blinkers,mirrors, race tires,full on road race bike) well he running down the road and a bee flys into his helmet so he starts weaving back in fourth and stops and throws his helmet off. meanwhile a cop was behind him the whole time with his lights and he had no idea lol

long story short the cop let him go!!! the bike has no tags or nothing!!

greasemonkey 08-13-2008 10:00 PM

Originally Posted by slowtowpig (Post 193973)
man that sucks. i feel for you. i hate when i get sick, i will contiune to work because i cant sit at home or i will go crazy.

man I'm the same way, unless I've already done all the work that needs to be done for the day/week I can't stand sitting around. I have a pretty high pain tolerance, too. so for something to knock me out and keep me down it's got to be some SERIOUS stuff.

got the lab reults back, main thing is mono. some homeopathic/natural tests show that I'm still dealing partially with the staff and definitely with strep; so I had my doc put a Z-pack on the prescription...he wants me to take some 'roids and thinks it'll take 4-6 weeks for me to get over it completely...awesome :argh: my brother in the service has said some pretty amazing things about the z-packs, I'd completely forgotten about them, so thank you guys for mentioning it! hopefully it helps!

MrS_sLoWtOwPiG 08-13-2008 10:18 PM

sorry to hear about your luck, at least they came back with some results though!

akguppy 08-13-2008 11:24 PM

Hope you recover soon, and remember those antibiotics kill ALL the bacteria in your system, even the good bacteria in your intestines. So, be sure to eat some yogurt with active cultures to keep your guts happy. :U:

dmaxjenn 08-14-2008 12:51 AM

Yea you cant win when you take antibiotics, you wind up with something else hurting,, like a yeast infection after penicillion:argh:,, best thing is cranberry juice, yogurt, and gargling with salt water helps too. lots of it,, Cranberries have probotics and will help cure anything.. my boys where both down with strep grease,,so they know how you feel, soon it will be all over...I wish i was taking care of them too.....but what doesnt kill them will make them stronger right..:humm:

greasemonkey 08-14-2008 06:17 PM

so four hours after the first Z-pack dose(1st is 2 pills, following 4 days are 1 pill) I haven't had to take any pain killers/throat numbers to be able to sleep and I've been OUT and feel pretty well rested after this last nap. the squirts have slowed down substantially and hopefully I won't have to take the prednazone he prescribed me, I'm going to give the Z-pack and some proven 'natural' remedies a try, first.

I have a probiotic supplement I'm taking and some health food yogurt that doesn't have all the extra sugars and additives in it; plus my mom/sis are juicing a bunch of veggies/fruit to get a lot of vitamins, enzymes and what-not which seems to be working well. so far, I'm not declining but making really slow but noticeable progress, so I guess we'll see how this next week goes.

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oh yeah, carrots, blueberries, ginger root, marshmallow root and cranberries are really good anti-viral immune support. and alternating gargling with sea salt/warm water, hydrogen peroxide or brandy have worked very well, too.

Redpatcher0481 08-14-2008 06:56 PM

Glad your starting to feel better.:U:

greasemonkey 08-15-2008 02:44 AM

thanks to all of you for the tips, quite a few of them were pretty helpful. I found out the hard way today that if you have the runs pretty bad and go roughly every 30-45 minutes for 24 hours...when the bottom hatch is exiting in hurrican force that often, it doesn't matter how much pedialyte, water and nutrients you take in if they're on the fast track out.

I had a dehydration headache pretty much all day, ended up at the end of the day feeling absolutely terrible(relative to the rest of the day of miserable), so I went to the ER since I have good health insurance (blue shield). took on 3 Liters of fluid through an IV and they gave me two vicodin for the headache and acute throat pain (good news, though, my tonsils aren't touching in the center, so they're not TOO bad...). man, after that, for having mono and strep, I felt pretty dang good! so now I have a vicodin prescription so I can actually sleep at night without thinking I just got stabbed in the neck every time I swallow.

and now the vicodin and nasal decongestant are just kicking in, so I'm out.

dmaxjenn 08-15-2008 02:09 PM

gee you had it bad eh,:pals:, im sorry you feel so bad..........still rest and lots of electolite bud!~ keep vasiline close to the toilet it ll help your owie!........:humm:

see if you can down some chicken broth.. :U: and bananas!!

greasemonkey 08-17-2008 01:49 AM

well for the runs I just stopped wiping and hopped in the shower. also had some baby powder that helped out quite a bit, too. You guys were right about that Z-pack clearing things up quickly, made a very noticeable improvement today since I took the third dose mid-day, the entire day I've been feeling better and better.

my sleep cycles are all shot now, I've just been sleeping 2-6 hours or so and getting up and doing stuff until I feel like taking a nap again. weird thing is, when I lay down I can't always sleep but while I'm up doing something, if I sit still for a few seconds I'm very narcoleptic and will almost instantly doze off. whatever, not real worried about that. I'm excited that I can swallow food and don't have the hurricanebutthole anymore (HBH is the technical term for that).

Now that I'm almost done with the strep, it really doesn't feel like I have a very bad case of mono...I'm definitely not going to push it, though. I figure I'm going to take it easy at least two or three days after the Z-pack dose is done to make sure I rebuild the good bugs/bacteria in my system and get some energy reserve. what fun...at least I have the form filled out for State Disability Insurance, should be worth a few hundred at least...better than a stick in the eye. (leave that one alone, Jenn!)

dmaxjenn 08-17-2008 09:52 AM

Well if it was in thebadlands i could play with ya,, but here i have to behave.:w2: glad to hear your feeling a wee bit better.... those drugs sound pretty powerful.just take it easy and youll get better quicker.. if you do too much youll go down again really fast......sleep, drink fluids.. youll be better by next week. :pals:

rob4789 08-17-2008 10:07 AM

hey man sorry that ur sick

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greasemonkey 08-18-2008 01:53 AM

so this was interesting, the other night when I was in the ER, the nurse had me go through all the symptoms of my alleged spider bite...did it bruise, did I get a headache/fever/body ache, muscle spasms this-and-that...no, none of that. she had me explain what the 'bite' site on my leg looked like and the time frame in which the Ceflex started to work. mind you, this is before I'd gotten the 3 bags of fluid or vicodin, so it hurt like crazy to sit there and talk through this whole thing.

anyway, she concluded that it was definitely MRSA, which is a staph infection that is highly resistant to antibiotics and if not dealt with quickly enough, become IMMUNE to antibiotics...which, that's really bad to have a staph infection that doesn't respond to meds, at that point they have one shot at hitting it really hard with some steroids and super-anti-biotics, that usually works but when it doesn't, you're done...how awesome is that?!?!

the ceflex remaining in my system along with the amoxacillin I started taking for the strep masked the throat swab and blood work from showing MRSA or strep, so according to the lab work I didn't have either...according to responding well to the Z-pack, I had at least strep and probably am still dealing with the MRSA staph; I'm hoping that after my last dose tomorrow, no other bacterial infections show up anywhere...if they do, I may be FUBAR!

LOGANSTANFORTH 08-20-2008 01:29 PM

for any kind of bite i usually just dig the core out and dump straight alcohol on it.......if it gets worse......i clean it real good and put bleach on it........yeah i know.......im a sucker for pain........but ive never had a bite get that bad......

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